H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III warns us of three evil views concerning how we regard the teachings and application of those teachings of the Buddhas to our lives in the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation. His Holiness also gives us the precise meaning of what the Buddha-dharma that can enable you to become liberated from samsara or free from the bondage of life and death is in the book Learning From Buddha that is explained elsewhere.
Evil View number 19 asks us about our priorities. Do we consider our personal interests and comforts before we do what the Buddha told us we should do or not do? How precious is the Buddha-dharma to us, anyhow? How serious are we about getting rid of suffering and sorrow? And do we mix non-Buddhist methods and concepts into our practice and thinking? Are we still beholden to superstitious beliefs and customs as stated in Evil View number 25?
The third evil view is to mistake strange paranormal phenomena as manifestations of supernatural powers that flow from the Buddha-dharma. Do not be confused and do not use such things to deceive living beings as that will cause all kinds of negative karma. There is also an erroneous view on this matter in another article linked below.
Evil View No. 19: Acknowledging that personal interests are more important than the Buddha-dharma. When there is a conflict between your personal interest and the Buddha-dharma, do you choose the Buddha-dharma or your personal interest? If you regard your personal interests as being higher than the Buddha-dharma, your view is an evil view. Personal interests should not be regarded as being higher than the Buddha-dharma. The Buddha-dharma is a supreme treasure. It is better to give up one’s life than give up the Buddha-dharma.
Evil View No. 25: Acknowledging it is acceptable to mix Buddha-dharma and non-Buddhist methods in one’s practice. This type of situation occurs quite a lot. People practice a mixture of regular Buddha-dharma and heretical methods. This is because there are numerous and varied heretical methods or practices, such as selecting a good hour or auspicious day for an event, yin and yang, feng shui, Taoist magic figures or incantations, beseeching spirits, fortune-telling by means of Chinese characters and other methods, witch dancing, rearing a small ghost, and so on. All of these are heretical practices. Practicing a mixture of these with the Buddha-dharma is evil.
Evil View No. 27: Acknowledging that strange, heretically induced phenomena are manifestations of supernormal powers derived from Buddha-dharma. In this world, there are many kinds of mystical and strange paranormal phenomena. Heretical sects use such phenomena to deceive and confuse living beings. In so doing, they create all kinds of negative karma. All such strange phenomena are not manifestations of supernatural power that flow from the Buddha-dharma and are just evil doings.
CLICK for article on Erroneous View No. 50: Acknowledging an unreal and illusory image, sound, or form as a holy miracle.
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