A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

What is Bodhichitta and How Important is it in Buddhism?

'Pink Lotus'
‘Pink Lotus’ painting by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

Bodhicitta is holy compassion that truly helps living beings become liberated from suffering. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III tells us there are several evil and erroneous views that are held concerning bodhichitta including thinking that anyone could be a Bodhisattva who does not act out of bodhichitta that is discussed in another article as well. It is wrong to think that anyone who does not practice bodhichitta is any sort of holy person. You must also not approve of cultivation that is not based on bodhichitta or approve of anyone who has supernatural powers but does not exhibit bodhichitta. Just because you may have the good fortune to receive a great initiation does not mean you give up practicing bodhichitta. It is not like that. Without bodhichitta, the initiation will be useless.

You should follow masters who exhibit both realization and bodhichitta and stay far away from any master who does not have bodhichitta (See Erroneous View #74).

Evil View No. 4:  Acknowledging that one may forsake bodhicitta in one’s cultivation. There are many methods of cultivation within the Buddha-dharma. Whatever method one uses to cultivate, it cannot be divorced from bodhicitta. Any form of cultivation that is divorced from bodhicitta is evil cultivation. Therefore, the most important aspect of cultivation is never separating from bodhicitta. In addition, we should not approve of those whose cultivation is divorced from bodhicitta.

Evil View #14: Acknowledging someone without greatly compassionate bodhicitta in their mindset or conduct as a Bodhisattva.  Within society, there are various kinds of dharma kings, rinpoches, masters, and great dharma teachers. Some of them do not have bodhicitta and do not act out of bodhicitta. However, certain publicity portrays them as great Bodhisattvas. In reality, they are false people of holy virtue. Therefore, one who does not have bodhicitta of great compassion is not a Bodhisattva no matter what status he may have. The view that regards as a Bodhisattva this type of person who does not act out of greatly compassionate bodhicitta is an evil view.

Evil View No. 32:   Acknowledging people for their supernormal powers even as their mind and conduct is devoid of bodhicitta. Some practitioners or yogis possess great supernatural powers but do not act out of bodhicitta. If one approves of such people who only have supernatural powers but who do not act out of bodhicitta, one has fallen into this evil view.

Erroneous View No. 12:  Acknowledging it is acceptable not to practice bodhicitta after one receives an initiation to a great dharma. Those with this view think, “I practiced a great dharma today. Why should I practice bodhicitta anymore? The dharma I received is so great I will soon become accomplished. I do not need to practice bodhicitta anymore.” This is an erroneous view. If one does not act out of bodhicitta, the results of any great dharma one practices will be like the reflection of the moon on water or flowers in a mirror—seen but not real.

Erroneous View No. 26:  Acknowledging someone without holy realization or bodhicitta as a true holy person. Some people have neither holy realization nor bodhicitta. However, their dharma speeches attract listeners and are pleasant to hear. Moreover, because worldlings do not understand the sutras and treatises, they misjudge such people. All of these result in such people being regarded as true holy ones. This is wrong. A true holy one must have holy realization. He must also have bodhicitta. Neither of the two can be missing.


  • Thanks Very Much On The Explaination On The “Bodhicitta”. One Of The Essences Of The Tathagata. In My Native Language, Which Read The ‘Budi’ And ‘Citta’ Which literally Meant ‘Holy Favor’ And ‘Ambition’. In The National Religion Of ISLAM. Their Followers Were Not ‘Allow’ Or ‘Permit’ To Know More On And Put In Deeds This ‘Budi-Citta’ Because They Said That ONLY Their Creator God (ALLAH) Can Utilizes & Uses This ‘Budi-Citta’.

    • Thanks for your comment. Buddhist do not believe in a creator god, but rather that all things come into being through causes and conditions.

    • I am curious what your native language is. If you like that definition of “Bodhichitta”, you should read the short book that quote is taken from that you can find on our temple website at http://holyvajrasana.org/buddha-dharma/what-is-cultivation and my account of what happened when H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III gave the discourse that the book is based on at http://holyvajrasana.org/buddha-dharma/what-is-cultivation/great-holy-beings-give-their-approval. It is truly a modern day sutra given by a holy Buddha. There is another book that provides the methods of practicing to obtain bodhichitta, “The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation” that has not yet been published in English that you should also read when it becomes available. Likewise “The Sutra of Definitive Truth” tells us how to train to develop bodhichitta. I sincerely hope that we can soon have a translation of both of these two magnificent works so that many can become liberated. You can find more about both of them at the same website: http://holyvajrasana.org/buddha-dharma.

Zhaxi Zhuoma

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Most of the quotes from H.H Dorje Chang Buddha III posted on this blog are from unapproved translations and may contain errors. Likewise the contents of this blog have not been reviewed or approved by the Buddha and should be considered as reference material and not Buddha-dharma.


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