November 19, 2022 was the final ZOOM discussion on DCB26-“How to Realize Prajna” and covered the rituals that should be performed when you finish your dharma sessions including dedicating merit and certain mantras. It also included testimonials by various students who had benefited from their reading and understanding of the sutra. It was the last discussion that will be open to those who are not enrolled in one of the two credit programs at LFBCS. If you wish to join this discussion and have not yet registered CLICK for link.
CLICK for article on DCB21-“Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Title of the Heart Sutra” that will start with a discussion group on ZOOM on November 26, 2022 and continue with other Saturday ZOOM sessions at 9:00 am Pacific Time through April 1, 2023. You need to enroll in that course as part of either the Buddhist Studies or Xiuxing programs at the Learning from Buddha College & Seminary.
DCB26-How to Realize Prajna
November 19, 2022: for DCB26-Lesson 40: “Concluding Dharma” and HERE (Questions 136-141) for the video recording of that class.
November 5, 2022: for article on DCB26-Lesson 39C: “Correspondence & True Practice” and HERE (Questions 121-135) for the video recording of that class.
October 29, 2022: for article on DCB26-Lesson 39A; “Dharma to Pass Thru Barriers” and Lesson 39B “The Six Paramitas” and HERE (Questions 107-111) and HERE (Questions 112-120) for the video recordings of that class.
October 22, 2022: for article on DCB26-Lesson 38B; “Four Limitless States of Mind.
October 15, 2022: for article on DCB26-Lesson 38A on the “Three Sets of Pure Precepts and the Ten Wholesome Behaviors” and HERE (Questions 81-88) for the video recording of that class.
October 1, 2022: for article on DCB26- Lesson 37 on “Preliminary Practices” and HERE (Questions 53-80) for the video recordings of that class.
September 24, 2022: for article on DCB26-Lesson 36B on “Causality and Methods of Continual Practice”.
September 17, 2022: for article on DCB26-Lesson 36A on “Causality and Methods of Continual Practice”and HERE (Questions 1-27) for the video recordings of that class.
CLICK for article on B26-“The Life of Milarepa,” a course on the biography on Karma Kagyu Patriarch Milarepa.
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