We started Lesson 17 of Learning from Buddha College & Seminary course DCB23 with a discussion of the truth of emptiness as expressed in the lines from the Heart Sutra that says, “The same is true of feeling, conceptualization, action, and consciousness. Sariputra, emptiness is the characteristic of all dharmas. They do not arise or perish, are not defiled or pure, do not increase or decrease.” A few of the questions discussed are summarized here:
What must you do to enter the state of prajna?
“. . . you should care for one another. Do not stir up gossip. Do not slander one another behind their backs. You must start from the Four Limitless States of Mind. If you cannot do even this, then saving living beings is even more out of the question for you. . . First care for your fellow-disciples; then, you can talk about being unselfish. Only after you are unselfish can you speak of being selfless. Only after you are selfless can you be free of attachment to phenomena. Only then can you enter the state of prajna. . . You have to do well in the basic behavior of being a human being. . . You should only take notice of the correct principles of Buddha Dharma. Do not take notice of the facial expressions of others. Do not listen to the evil doctrines of others. You should rely on the Dharma, not on any person.”
What are the other four aggregates and how should we view them?
“The same is true of feeling, conceptualization, action, and consciousness. . . Each of these individual aggregates has its own definition. That is, each has its own specific meaning and related actions. . . feeling, conceptualization, action, and consciousness are all the same as and no different from phenomena with form in that each of those four is emptiness and does not differ from emptiness.”
Is there Buddha Dharma that is separate and apart from worldly dharmas?
“The essence of all dharmas is the reality of true emptiness, not an emptiness that is separated from all dharmas. We cannot depart from worldly dharmas to search for Buddha Dharma. There is one thing that is especially important to know: Buddha Dharma is in the world, and attaining enlightenment from Buddha Dharma cannot be separated from worldly affairs. . . There is no Buddha Dharma separate and apart from worldly dharmas.”
Since reality is neither emptiness nor existence, then is it in the middle?
“Reality being neither emptiness nor existence, there is no arising or perishing, defilement or pureness, and increase or decrease. Reality is not emptiness. It is also not existence. It is not in the middle.”
What are the two sources of best practice and Dharma–the supreme and unmatched Dharma treasure?
“Based on the truth, you will be able to understand that the five aggregates and all dharmas are intrinsically empty. That is exactly intrinsic-reality prajna. However, to truly realize intrinsic-reality prajna, you still must enter the Dharma through cultivation. Thus, not deviating from The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation is the most magnificent practice! The combination of The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation with the absolute truth of prajna that I am now expounding through the Heart Sutra is the supreme and unmatched Dharma treasure!”
Other Matters
CLICK for article on revising the”debate” and “Finals” part of the discourses that also explains the “Seven Dharma System” used in LFBCS.
CLICK for summary of oral translation of series of Dharma Discourses given by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in 2000 in America.
CLICK for article on LFBCS course P04X on Green Tara Dharma.
CLICK for D01-Buddhism for Beginners, Listening to the Supreme & Magnificent Dharma that has been corrected to include revised assignments 8 & 9 and other minor edits.
CLICK for DCB35-Learning from Buddha that has been corrected to include revised assignments 8 & 9 and other minor edits.
We will continue Lesson 17 of DCB23 at our October 5, 2024 ZOOM session at 9:00 am discussing the Heart Sutra, starting with question #.
The class is still open to anyone who wants to join. If you have enrolled in C41 or DCB22 (or DCB21 or DCB26) you may continue to use the same ZOOM link to attend the Saturday morning discussions. You will need to enroll in DCB23 to be able to watch the video recordings of the classes, download study materials, or study the related questions.
TO DATE: DCB23-Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra: PART TWO–II and C41-Three Principal Stages & Paths of Buddhist Practice
The recording of the September 21 DCB23-Lesson 17A class is now available. You must be enrolled in DCB23 in one of the membership programs at the LFBCS to access the course materials, questions covered (in parenthesis), and/or the class recordings. Please note that these links will only work if you are logged into LFBCS with your membership identification number AND are enrolled in this class.
“Sariputra, Form Does Not Differ from Emptiness; Emptiness Does Not Differ from Form. Form is Emptiness; Emptiness Is Form. The same is true of feeling, conceptualization, action, and consciousness. Sariputra, emptiness is the characteristic of all dharmas. They do not arise or perish, are not defiled or pure, do not increase or decrease. Therefore, in emptiness there is no form, no feeling, conceptualization, action, or consciousness; no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind; no forms, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, or objects of mind; no realm of eyes, up to and including no realm of mind consciousness; no avidya and also no ending of avidya, up to and including no aging and death and also no ending of aging and death; . . .”
September 21, 2024: Lesson 17-The Great Stage–Wisdom Path of the right view of emptiness, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra–II, “The same is true of feeling, conceptualization, action, and consciousness. Sariputra, . . .” (86-89 and 90-121) and (HERE) for recording of class.
September 14, 2024: Lesson 16B-The Great Stage–Wisdom Path of the right view of emptiness, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra–II, “. . . Sariputra, Form Does Not Differ from Emptiness; Emptiness Does Not Differ from Form.” (71-85) and (HERE) for recording of class.
September 7, 2024: Lesson 16A-The Great Stage–Wisdom Path of the right view of emptiness, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra–II, “. . . Sariputra, Form Does Not Differ from Emptiness; Emptiness Does Not Differ from Form.” (49-70) and (HERE) for recording of class.
August 31, 2024: Lesson 15B–The Great Stage–Wisdom Path of the right view of emptiness, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra–II, “. . . Sariputra, Form Does Not Differ from Emptiness; Emptiness Does Not Differ from Form.” (34-48) and (HERE) for recording of class.
August 24, 2024: Lesson 15A-The Great Stage–Wisdom Path of the right view of emptiness, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra–II, “. . . Sariputra, Form Does Not Differ from Emptiness; Emptiness Does Not Differ from Form.” (1-33) and (HERE) for recording of class.
CLICK for article on the entire text of Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra.
CLICK for article with instructions on how to enroll in LFBCS classes and how to register for the 8 ZOOM discussions.
CLICK for article on the last class held on DCB22 and links to videos of all 21 ZOOM class discussions on DCB22 held from February 10, 2024 to August 3, 2024.
CLICK for article on the last class held on DCB21 and links to videos of all 18 ZOOM class discussions on DCB21 held from November 2022 to April 2023. Note: not all of the forwards, notes, and introductions are complete.
CLICK for article on last class held on DCB26 and links to videos of all 8 ZOOM class discussions held on DCB26 held from April 2024 to June 2024.
CLICK for Background information on Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra and why it is such an important text.
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