November 26, 2022 was the first ZOOM class on DCB21-“Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Title of the Heart Sutra” with a discussion of the publisher’s forward on the contents and origins of the book and how a formal forward was prepared. It also included how the book was introduced at a grand assembly in Hong Kong that was attended by representatives from tens of thousands of Buddhist groups and organizations and how a Buddha Bestowed Holy Amrita (Nectar) Dharma Assembly had happened in Pasadena before that meeting to bless the books and the event. I was able to attend both. Links are provided below for more information and videos of these events.
The Five Persons of Holy Virtue who prepared the formal forward to the book, shared what they had experienced from practicing the dharma that they had received from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and following the Dharma principles the Buddha had explained in the book. They also asked the Buddha Master how they should understand the writings by the ancient Indian Masters like Nagarjuna, Asanga, and Santideva, and which one was the most orthodox and profound.
The Buddha Master told them, “Different Buddhist theories have their own strong points. Since ancient times, the practices of each of the sects have been different. Their views and understandings have been divergent.” He then proceeded to tell us how and why they were different, siting different treatises by these ancient masters. The Buddha Master further explained that, “”Each sect or school says its theories are right. The fact is that certain theories, views, and understandings are higher than others. The achievements of actual realization are not the same among different sects and schools. From the perspective of direct perception, what is more important is that one cannot overlook whether a sect or school has true Buddha Dharma. That is because unyielding arguments over theories and understanding are not visible manifestations of the achievement of liberation. If one does not have understanding built upon the accomplishment of true realization, then what one ultimately attains will likewise be nirvana without true realization.” The text went on to explain what was meant my this and how we should consider the study of treatises. Even though we knew that we had only had access to a preliminary translation of Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra, we knew that this book contained the clearest and most profound truth about the nature of truth that we had found. With the insights and Buddha Dharma contained in this work and the great demon detecting guide we have in the “128 Evil and Erroneous Views” from the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation, we will know how to consider the teachings provided by the great masters of earlier times.
An interesting discussion developed around the statement made by these Five Persons when they realized that they could not mix anything with this holy text, “. . .that no Dharma-words whatsoever may be added to or taken out of Imparting the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra because it is as subtle as a dharani. Otherwise, its state-practice siddhi empowerment will be lost.” They gave examples from their own insightful experiences.
This generated considerable discussion on the power of dharani’s with several students expressing their experience with them. We were reminded of the Thousand-Armed Kuan Yin Great Compassion Dharani that we recite every day as an example. CLICK for earlier article on the Great Compassion (Maha Karuna) Dharani that includes a link with even more information in the sutra of the same name.
As anticipated, we only finished about half of the questions in Lesson 0 and will continue the discussion next Saturday, December 3, 2022, at 9:00 am. Those who are enrolled in either the Buddhist Studies or Xiuxing Seminary programs can still register for the class and watch a video of the first class held on November 26. CLICK for earlier article on this class (Lesson 0) and CLICK HERE to register for all classes in the series and/or enroll in LFBCS programs, if you have not yet done so.
CLICK for article that includes video of the Buddha Bestow Amitra (Nectar) mentioned above.
CLICK for article and English video of Hong Kong Grand Assembly where Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra was formally released. It also includes articles to more links including the transcript of the speech I gave at that assembly.
November 19, 2022: for article on the concluding class of DCB26-How to Realize Prajna Lessons 40 & 41 with links to articles on all other related classes.
CLICK for article on B26-”Milarepa” and how to facilitate a course on biographies or autobiographies at LFBCS.
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