On March 9, 2024 we continued our study of DCB22- Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra-I by exploring more deeply how Avalokiteshvara observed her intrinsic nature to become enlightened; what it means to “practice deeply prajna-paramita. Please note that the translation team working on translating this text will use “Expounding” instead on “Imparting” in the title of the Buddha Master’s sutra and we will do likewise in future references.
How Did Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva Observe Her Intrinsic Nature?
We learned that Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva observed Her intrinsic nature by turning inward and observing the sounds of all living beings in the world. We were told that,
“when She observed the equality of all sounds, it was not possible for Her to apply Her mind consciousness to pay attention to any particular sound. Not paying attention to any particular sound, the mind consciousness does not alight upon any worldly phenomena. Not alighting upon any worldly phenomena, one naturally is in a state of emptiness and naturally is in a dharmakaya state. However, this is also a theoretical truth. If you wish to actually do this, you will also have to begin anew your cultivation. . . This Dharma-practice is the practice of non-attachment to all dharmas. I just now spoke of the practice of non-attachment to all dharmas. Attachment is alighting upon a certain place. Grasping is called “holding on” or “being attached to. . . after She inwardly observed Her intrinsic nature, She became unattached to all conditioned dharmas. No matter what the thing may be, as long as it is a conditioned dharma, She is not attached to it. She is not even attached to unconditioned dharmas.”
CLICK for link to extensive quote on the different levels of liberation or nirvana–seeing your original nature or dharmakaya.
How do Deep and Shallow Wisdom-Based Insights Differ?
The differences are
“not a difference in dharma-nature.”
They are
“differences due to differences in karmic forces that you created over past lifetimes.”
The Buddha Master also explained that there are two types of deepness.
What Is Meant by “Intellectual Frivolity?”
The Sanskrit word is prapanca, but other translations include conceptual elaboration, conceptual proliferation, intellectual play, wasteful talk, meaningless argument, and metaphysical speculation. It means words or concepts that conceal and cover reality.
What Happens when One Deeply Penetrates that which Is not False?
“If one enters the observation of an illusion but is free of differentiation, then there is no longer an illusion. Suddenly, the six senses experience everything equally and abide in nothing. Thus, the use of the six senses will not be activated toward external phenomena and the five aggregates. . . Forging ahead is cultivating all behavior, pushing forward unceasingly. This is not limited to contemplation or observation. One also must engage in other cultivation to supplement one’s practice. “
What Is the State of Holy People when They Deeply Enter the True Mind of Wonderful Wisdom and Perfect Clarity?
The Buddha Master answered this question by stating
“that is why I say that not letting the five aggregates give rise to any use when facing external phenomena does not mean that you should put aside external phenomena and not utilize them. It means that that when faced with external phenomena, the five aggregates do not give rise to any use. Form, feeling, conceptualization, action, and consciousness cannot play any role. One has no view that differentiates and no place for attachment. This is the state of holy people. This is deeply entering the true mind of wonderful wisdom and perfect clarity.”
We also discussed what is meant by “practicing deeply,” the three virtues of Buddhism, the nature of marvelous existence, the three delusions and how to eradicate them, different levels of dhyana and wisdom or one’s original nature, how to practice deeply prajna-paramita, the different types of Dharma Protectors and how they can help us, and more.
CLICK for link to Part One of Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra for more on the meaning of “Prajna (Wisdom),” “Parami (Other Shore),” and “Ta (Dhyana).”
CLICK for Quote that defines Prajna-Parami-Ta.
We will continue this discussion at our March 16 ZOOM session starting at 9:00 am exploring what happens when you observe the Five Precepts, the meaning of “when” or time [Questions 108-113] and may start Lesson 10 on the Five Aggregates.
TO DATE: DCB22-Expounding the Absolute Truth through the text of the Heart Sutra–I and C41-Three Principal Stages & Paths of Buddhist Practice
The recording of the March 9 class is now available. You must be enrolled in DCB22 in one of the membership programs at the LFBCS to access the course materials, questions covered (in parenthesis), and/or the class recordings. Please note that these links will only work if you are logged into LFBCS with your membership Identification number AND are enrolled in this class. Please note that Lessons 6A and 6B are part of Course C41.
“Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, when practicing deeply the prajna-paramita, illuminated the five aggregates, saw that they are all empty, and crossed beyond all suffering and ~
March 9, 2024: Lesson 9B.1-The Great Stage–Wisdom Path of the right view of emptiness, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra–I, “Two Levels”, (87-107) and (HERE) for recording of class.
March 9, 2024: Lesson 9A.3-The Great Stage–Wisdom Path of the right view of emptiness, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra–I, “Practicing Deeply”, (78-86) and (HERE) for recording of class.
February 24, 2024: Lesson 9A.2-The Great Stage–Wisdom Path of the right view of emptiness, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra–I, “Practicing Deeply”, (59-77) and (HERE) for recording of class.
February 17, 2024: Lesson 9A.1-The Great Stage–Wisdom Path of the right view of emptiness, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra–I, “Practicing Deeply”, (51-58) and (HERE) for recording of class.
February 17, 2024: Lesson 8C-The Great Stage–Wisdom Path of the right view of emptiness, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra–I, “Bodhisattva”, (37-50) and (HERE) for recording of class.
February 17, 2024: Lesson 8B–The Great Stage–Wisdom Path of the right view of emptiness, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra–I, “Avalokiteshvara”, (31-36) and (HERE) for recording of class.
February 10, 2024: Lesson 8A-The Great Stage–Wisdom Path of the right view of emptiness, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra–I, “Avalokiteshvara”, (1-30) and (HERE) for recording of class.
February 3, 2024: Lesson 6B-The Great Stage–Wisdom Path of the right view of emptiness, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra-Prajna(Wisdom) & Dhyana(Ta), (355-369) and HERE for recording of class.
January 20, 2024: Lesson 6A–The Great Stage–Wisdom Path of the right view of emptiness, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra-Prajna & Dhyana(Ta), (317-354) and HERE for recording of class.
CLICK for article on the entire text of Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra.
CLICK for article with instructions on how to enroll in LFBCS classes and how to register for the ZOOM discussions.
CLICK for DCB21-Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra: Forwards, Introductions, & Title.
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