Today we finished our discussion Learning from Buddha College and Seminary (LFBCS) Course DCB26 “How to Realize Prajna”. We covered the remaining questions in Lesson 39-“Receiving Formal or Main Practice” and also Lessons 40 and 41 on “Concluding Dharmas” and testimonials from disciples on Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra.
What happens if one has cultivation but lacks cultivated powers or has cultivated powers, but lacks cultivation?
“If one has cultivation but lacks cultivated powers, one cannot step forward. Having cultivated powers but lacking cultivation is like having no feet. In other words, if one has cultivation, if one has corrected one’s conduct, yet one does not have actual cultivated powers; that is, as I mentioned a short while ago, if one does not have a Dharma, if one does not actually practice a Dharma, that is like standing still with no ability to go forward. On the other hand, having cultivated powers but lacking cultivation is equivalent to having no feet. That is, if we have cultivated powers, but our conduct does not correspond with what we should do, and we are unable to carry out all of the conduct discussed earlier, it is like being a person who has no feet. We will likewise be unable to make our way to the other shore, to the destination of liberation.”
What is the “Dharma Practice of Body Substitution”?
“That is, before one attains accomplishment, this Dharma practice transfers one’s consciousness out of one’s physical body. Being in a state of immateriality, one cultivates the realization of illusoriness. At that time, one’s consciousness faces and observes the false phenomenon that is one’s own body of flesh and thereby is able to truly understand and truly realize the real meaning of the phrase ‘the four great elements are all empty.’ Since one’s consciousness is unobstructed, one can right then and there truly see and realize the illusoriness and falseness of phenomena and the truth of prajna that form and emptiness are one, not two.”
The recordings of the June22 DCB26 class is now available. You must be enrolled in DCB26 in one of the membership programs at the LFBCS to access the course materials, questions covered (in parenthesis), and/or the class recordings. Please note that these links will only work if you are logged into LFBCS with your membership identification number AND are enrolled in this class.
What is a person like who practices the preliminary practice but not the formal or main practice and vice versa?
“One who practices the preliminary practice but not the formal or main practice is like a person without feet, unable to take one step forward. He is unable to walk to the destination. One who only practices the formal or main practice but not the preliminary practice is unable to make his way to the destination. He is unable to reach the other shore of liberation. Thus, practicing only one of the two is also called false practice. Practicing just one of them is false practice as well. Hence, conduct in daily life and Dharma practice are both essential. Neither one can be ignored. No benefits will be gained from false practice. One’s Dharma practice will then be useless.”
What does the Buddha Master promise if we read this sutra and practice and cultivate according to the Dharma expounded therein?
“If in the future you listen to the audio recordings of this Dharma that I have expounded or respectfully read the treasure book Expounding the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra that will be based on the transcripts of those audio recordings, and if you practice and cultivate yourselves according to the Dharma expounded therein, I guarantee that you will in this lifetime achieve perfect good fortune and wisdom and become accomplished and liberated!”
We will return to the text of DCB22-Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra: PART TWO-I at our June 29, 2024 ZOOM session starting at 9:00 am. We will discuss Lesson 11b: Dual-use/Two-body Dharma (Yam-Yum) including H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha’s position on this Dharma and various other Dharmas. Click link below for instructions on how to enroll in DCB 22 and join this discussion.
DCB26-Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra: “How to Realize Prajna”
June 22, 2024: Lesson 41-The Dharma to Pass through Barriers, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra-How to Realize Prajna, (145-147) and (HERE) for recording of class.
June 22, 2024: Lesson 40-The Dharma to Pass through Barriers, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra-How to Realize Prajna, (139-144) and (HERE) for recording of class.
June 22, 2024: Lesson 39.3-The Dharma to Pass through Barriers, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra-How to Realize Prajna, (134-138) and (HERE) for recording of class.
June 8, 2024: Lesson 39.2-The Dharma to Pass through Barriers, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra-How to Realize Prajna, (112-133) and (HERE) for recording of class.
June 1, 2024: Lesson 39.1-The Dharma to Pass through Barriers, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra-How to Realize Prajna, (108-111) and (HERE) for recording of class.
May 25, 2024: Lesson 38.2-H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Imparts Buddha Dharma-Causality and the Rules and Methods of Continual Practice, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra-How to Realize Prajna, (95-107) and (HERE) for recording of class.
May 11, 2024: Lesson 38.1-H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Imparts Buddha Dharma-Causality and the Rules and Methods of Continual Practice, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra-How to Realize Prajna, (82-94) and (HERE) for recording of class.
May 11, 2024: Lesson 37.2-H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Imparts Buddha Dharma-Causality and the Rules and Methods of Continual Practice, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra-How to Realize Prajna, (76-81) and (HERE) for recording of class.
May 4, 2024: Lesson 37.1-H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Imparts Buddha Dharma-Causality and the Rules and Methods of Continual Practice, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra-How to Realize Prajna, (53-75B) and (HERE) for recording of class.
May 4, 2024: Lesson 36.3-H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Imparts Buddha Dharma-Causality and the Rules and Methods of Continual Practice, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra-How to Realize Prajna, (47-52) and (HERE) for recording of class.
April 27, 2024: Lesson 36.2-H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Imparts Buddha Dharma-Causality and the Rules and Methods of Continual Practice, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra-How to Realize Prajna, (18-46) and (HERE) for recording of class.
April 20, 2024: Lesson 36.1-H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Imparts Buddha Dharma-Causality and the Rules and Methods of Continual Practice, Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra-How to Realize Prajna, (1-17) and (HERE) for recording of class.
CLICK for article with instructions on how to enroll in LFBCS classes and how to register for the ZOOM discussions.
CLICK for links to DCB22-Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra: PART TWO–I. through Lesson 11a.2-“Consciousness.”
CLICK for link to article on the last class held on DCB21 and links to videos of all 18 ZOOM class discussions on DCB21 held from November 2022 to April 2023. Note: not all of the forwards, notes, and introductions are complete.
CLICK for Background information on Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra and why it is such an important text.
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