We have a new class that has been added to the curriculum–B24-Lady Niguma (10th-11th century CE). I have only done about half of the homework, but the structure is there for anyone wanting to start the course. It uses as a text Sarah Harding’s Niguma, Lady of Illusion, a book I have had since it was published in 2010, but not one that I had ever read before. Lady Niguma is one of our female saints who is a leading matriarch of the Shangpa Kagyu sect. She is of special interest to us as it is said she received the ancient teachings that are still the foundation of the Shangpa Kagyu directly from Buddha Vajradhara (Dorje Chang Buddha) Himself, although there are Buddhist who do not believe this. She was the major source of teaching for Shangpa Patriarch and Founder Khyuungpo Naljor (950 or 1050-1140 CE), but he was not the only person in that lineage who was able to study with her. Master Thangtong Gyalpo (1361-1485 CE), whose current incarnation is a direct disciple of our Buddha Master, was also able to receive revelations from Lady Naguna.
Her biography is somewhat limited with different accounts of her origins as we have so little specific historical data. The text is more about her teachings and her commentary on the practices that she held. Since she is consider a master of illusion and a personification of the teachings that we are now studying on the nature of reality in H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra, I felt it was timely to offer this class for your reference. I believe you will also find it useful to consider Niguma’s verses and commentary on “Stages in the Path of Illusion” in relation to The Dharma of Cultivation. Niguma also offers insight into how to realize the “37 Factors Conducive to Enlightenment” and how those early teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha relate to various stages of practice.
December 17, 2022: for article on Lesson 2 (82-117) and HERE for the recording of that class.
December 10, 2022: for article on Lesson 1 (54-81) and HERE for the video recording of that class.
December 3, 2022: for article on Lesson 0B (28-53) and HERE for the video recording of that class.
November 26, 2022: for article on Lesson 0A (1-27) and HERE for the video recording of that class.
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