This Morning we discussed Lesson 7 of DCB21 on the History of Master Xuanzang (602-664 CE), the Chinese translator who went to India to seek the correct Dharma and transform the translation process of bringing the Dharma to the Chinese people. We learned what a truly remarkable man Xuanzang was and heard about the accomplishments of His disciples. It is Dharma Master Xuanzang’s translation of the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III used as the foundation for His commentary and sutra on the Heart Sutra.
We also learned what it took to become a “certified “Dharma Master at that time in China through the story of Sixth Patriarch Huineng, a contemporary of Dharma Master Xuanzang. Dharma Master Xuanzang also founded the Consciousness Only Dharma Characteristics or Fa-Hsian School which still has a major presence in China. In fact, the Baoguang Temple in Chengdu that the Buddha Master often talks about is part of that sect.
However, the most important part of this lesson was the Buddha Master’s advice that we we study the doctrine of not only the Consciousness Only school, but study even more deeply the Madhyamaka or Middle Way School of Nagarjuna and the Other Emptiness School of the Jonang Sect. We also received some very profound teachings on which of the doctrines of emptiness offers the highest insight and how one attains that level. We were given heart-felt advice on how we must have a respectful attitude and not speak based on the perspective of right and wrong concerning the doctrines of any of the legitimate schools of Buddhism. We should praise the excellent qualities of each sect. The Buddha Master said “This is because I do not differentiate among sects. As long as it is Buddha Dharma, I will promote it.”
On Saturday 25, March, 2023, we discussed the word “Sutra” in our study of what the title to the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra used as the foundation for H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra means. In this class we explored what is meant by a “sutra” and what was the essence of this sutra, which the Buddha Master said was “the Dharma of prajna, was thus named with the word prajna, and has the non-dual reality as its essence. The non-dual reality is the reality state illuminated by prajna-wisdom.” He also explained why this reality is called non-dual. “This is because it is not attached to existence, it is not attached to non-existence, and it has the non-dual reality as its essence. The aim of the sutra is contemplative-illumination prajna. The function of the sutra is delivering living beings from the sufferings of cyclic existence by enabling them to awaken fully to their original appearance.”
In this part of the text the Buddha Master explained the five periods of Shakyamuni Buddha’s impartation of the dharma which He summarized as follows: “The Buddha first imparted Hinayana teachings and the accomplishments of Arhats. He then imparted expedient Dharma methods. He imparted Mahayana teachings last, which also involved imparting variations of Mahayana teachings. He imparted the esoteric Dharma. The most profound and marvelous Dharmas are not spoken or written down. Rather, they are transmitted one-to-one from master to disciple, like the State-Practice and Enlightenment-Practice parts of The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation.”
As I reported last week, I will go to Salt Lake City this week to transmit the Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva Great Compassion Empowerment. I plan on taking a short personal retreat after that and hope to start our Saturday discussions again with C41-Three Principal Stages & Paths of Buddhist Practice on April 29. CLICK for more information on this class.
DCB21-Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra: Forwards, Introductions, & Title
You must be enrolled in either the Buddhist Studies or Xiuxing Seminary programs at LFBCS to access the questions covered (in parenthesis) and the class recordings.
April 1, 2023 & March 25, 2023: Lesson 7-Master Xuanzang (379-405) and HERE for recording of that class. Lesson 6D-Sutra(352-378) and HERE for recording of that class.
March 18, 2023: Lessons 6B-Ta (328-343) -Part II & 6C-Heart (344-351)and HERE for recording of that class.
March 11, 2023: for article on Lessons 6A-Parami (296-310) and 6B-Ta (311-327) -Part I and HERE for recording of that Class.
March 04, 2023: for article on Lesson 5C-Prajna (281-295) and HERE for recording of that class.
February 25, 2023: for article on Lesson 5B-Prajna (254-280) and HERE for recording of that class.
February 18, 2023: for article on Lesson 4E-Prajna (221-228) and HERE for recording of that class and on Lesson 5A-Prajna (229-253) and HERE for recording of that class. Lesson 5-Three Types of Prajna-II (229-295)
February 11, 2023: for article on Lesson 4D-Prajna (199-220) and HERE for recording of that class.
February 04, 2023: for article on Lesson 4C-Prajna (182-198) and HERE for recording of that class.
January 28, 2023: for article on Lesson 4B-Prajna (165-181) and HERE for recording of that class.
January 21, 2023: for article on Lesson 4A-Prajna (157-167) and HERE for recording of that class. Lesson 4-Three Types of Prajna-I (157-228)
January 14, 2023: for article on Lesson 3B-Prajna (140-156) and HERE for recording of that class.x
January 07, 2023: for article on Lesson 3A-Prajna (118-139) and HERE for recording of that class. Lesson 3-Prajna (118-156)
December 17, 2022: for article on Lesson 2-Introduction to the Heart Sutra (82-117) and HERE for the recording of that class.
December 10, 2022: for article on Lesson 1-H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Introduction (54-81) and HERE for the video recording of that class.
December 03, 2022: for article on Lesson 0B-Background (28-53) and HERE for the video recording of that class.
November 26, 2022: for article on 0A (1-27)-Background and HERE for the video recording of that class. Lesson 0-Introductions/Forwards (1-53)
November 21, 2022: for earlier article introducing Lesson 0A.
CLICK for links to articles and recordings of classes held on course DCB26-How to Realize Prajna.
Holy is this sutra ๐ masterfully written ๐ฟ only for the skilled and should be revered above all else. May it bless all in the ten directions
Deepest respect to the Buddha Master. And really appreciate such resources to help non Chinese learners.
Contained on this one web-page is the crowning jewel of all human potential, may it accumulated enough merit to bless all under the laws of cause and effect to be liberated and be free of suffering
homage to HH Dorje Chang Buddha 3