Recently Reba Jinbo Rinpoche introduced me to a new app called “Co-Pilot.” Being curious and having had some good experience with AI already, I decided to see what this AI app would do if I asked about certain terms we use in Buddhism including xiuxing, five vidyas, and holy nectar. I also asked about H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha and Dorje PaMu. The answers were very interesting and I thought quite good. Sometimes the app responded they did not know and said so, but I could find little fault with what was said. Usually you were given an option to go deeper and provided more information. That was still useful, but not as satisfying.
This morning, as I was reviewing old articles on this blog (and usually finding typos and things to enhance or correct), I reread the article I wrote on what the Buddha Master had told me about miscarriages and how we should view them and even use that in our practice. It occurred to me that this would be a good way to check on how this AI app works. I was already aware that my blog articles were fodder for the AI machines because I found one of my articles used as a reference in an earlier search. To my knowledge, the Buddha Master had not given any other discourses on the subject—at least not anything that we had English translations of. So I asked: “What did H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III teach us about miscarriages?” The following dialogue is what I got.
As I suspected it used my blog on the matter as reference and included a link to the article. Then we went deeper with information coming from other sources. I am sharing this with you because I learned a couple of things:
1-I think the responses were interesting, pretty good, and useful, especially if we always check them against the “128 Evil and Erroneous Views” from the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation (SAUMOL) and what we know from the Buddha Master, and
2-We all need to be very careful of everything we post on the internet. It is both exciting and scary. . . and humbling.
I would love to hear of your experiences with this new tool. Reba shared how he had used it to gain insight into the Chinese term “xiaman” in our ongoing seminar on SAUMOL. He also explained how to add “Co-Pilot” to your phone, tablet, or PC in S01-Seminar on Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation. If you google AI Buddha you will find a plethora of links and Buddhabots.
CLICK for article on “What Buddhism Can Teach Us About Artificial Intelligence — And Ourselves” that you may find interesting.
CLICK for article on “Correct Use of the Sutras and Other Holy Works”, which I believe is also useful in considering articles generated by AI.
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