This morning, October 11, 2020, during our morning service, we continued our reading of the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra with Shakyamuni Buddha asking each of his 500 Arhat students to go and ask Venerable Vimalakirti about His health only to have each one refuse to go, saying they were not qualified to do this. They each revealed an earlier encounter with the famous layman who questioned and embarrassed them. It was also revealed that others who had witnessed these encounters became more accomplished.
Sariputra, Maudgalaputra, Mahakasyapa, Subhuti, Purnamaitrayaniputra, Mahakatyayana, Aniruddha, Upali, Rahula, and Ananda all gave their excuses as to why they could not go to see Venerable Vimalakirti and pay their respect. These were the most famous of the Budhha’s disciples and they felt unworthy. However, this chapter explains many key principles from the Prajnaparamita Sutras that reveal their superiority over the hinayana view held by these Arahats. Next week we will see how the Buddha’s Bodhisattva disciples respond.
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