Another class has been added on May 27 to provide time to discuss Lessons 20 & 21 from DCB23-“Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra-II,” which covers the verse from the Heart Sutra on “. . No avidya [ignorance] and also no ending of avidya, up to and including no aging and death and also no ending of aging and death; . . .” Lessons 22 & 23 from DCB24-“Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra-III,” which covers the verse from the Heart Sutra on “. . . No Suffering, No Accumulation, No Cessation, and No Path; . . .” have also been added to explain the Mahayana teaching on the Four Noble Truths and the other parts of the Thirty-seven Factors of Enlightenment.”

We will start this on May 27 as we study the Path of Renunciation which is the Intermediate Stage that has the goal of escaping samsara and reaching nirvana. This is the stage of individual liberation that explains the twelve interdependent links of dependent or conditional origination and is summarized in the Four Noble Truths. The Discourse by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III on the “Twenty Dharmas Relating to Ordinary Feelings” has also been added to this lesson.
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