This article was originally posted last month as an expression of hope and what I am seeing happening to so many of the disciples of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III now that I want to post it again as a message to celebrate the coming holidays and as input to our reflection on what this year meant to us. I am curious if there are others who share this optimism and joy? The beautiful video from Hua Zang Si celebrating Amitabha Buddha’s birthday and the life release sponsored by the H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Art and Cultural Museum and the Holy Miracles Temple are like that. Thanks.
In Reba’s reading of Evil View Number 17 this morning regarding transmigration within the six realms of samsara we heard, “No ordinary person, regardless of how smart he may be, can escape the sufferings of five turbidities because that is the inevitable law of impermanence that exists in the six realms of reincarnation. Therefore, the six realms of reincarnation do exist.” Although I certainly had no problem accepting that transmigration within the six realms is not an untrue legend, I was taken back, failing to remember what the “five turbidities” were and how they were relevant to our lives. today.
I remembered that I had posted an article somewhere on the five turbidities and found on November 25, 2018 a blog that defined them as:
1.) the defilement of views, when incorrect, perverse thoughts and ideas are predominant;
2.) the defilement of passions, when all kinds of transgressions are exalted;
3.) the defilement of the human condition, when people are usually dissatisfied and unhappy;
4.) the defilement of the life-span, when the human life-span as a whole decreases; and
5.) the defilement of the world-age, when war and natural disasters are rife.
Looking at the world and local news would give us reason to believe that all five are upon us in this “Dharma Ending Age.” However, the article that included reference to the five turbidities was part of an even more important event that I do not believe received sufficient emphasis when it happened–the Holy Fire Mandala Homa Dharma.
I am posting the entire World Buddhism Association Headquarters Announcement about that event that is really quite astounding. Please read it and see if you can gain the same hope and joy that revisiting it gave me this morning. I wrote briefly about it in my book Thus Have I Seen: The Marvelous True Buddha Dharma and Its Power to Transform, but only now can I fully appreciate what I experienced. It was the last major empowerment given by the Buddha Master that I attended and as noted in the WBAH article, second only to the Buddha-bestowed Nectar Dharma in “subduing demons and eliminating living beings’ sins, hindrances, and dark karmas.” Now that the Buddha Master has departed this earth in physical form and we have time to reflect on all that has happened this year, I would like to report on what I sense from many of the Buddha Master’s most serious Western students, at least, a true joy and optimism that did not seem possible only a short time ago.
Maybe it is the spirit or Thanksgiving that has prompted so many messages that seem to reflect my own feelings of what I can only describe as joy and happiness. Some have used the word bliss, but it is certainly a good vibe that I believe is coming from the Buddha Master. I have recently held meaningful discussions with at least five fellow students who have shared similar feelings. It is a peace and satisfaction with what we are doing that has been all too rare and fleeting. Someone told me that the Buddha Master was in so many ways guiding this person’s life with direct and personal teachings and so many have expressed how they have gained insights from out studying Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra (ITATTTHS), which is certainly another way the Buddha Master directs and guides us. We are not waiting for that perfect empowerment or magic, but know we just need to do what He taught us to do and no one will do that for us. Even though the Buddha Master is no longer among us, He is now able to be individually with all of us, if we let Him be. We came to and pondered a passage in ITATTTHA on the acceptability of group initiations but that group learning of Dharma is absolutely unacceptable. That was at first confusing. I had even challenged the translation of that passage back in January 2020. This became very clear, because we realize that we all have very different karmic affinity to any given dharma. Now the Buddha Master can speak to us according to our unique needs and to some that is happening. May you all find that joy.
I believe the Transmission of the Holy Fire Mandala Homa Dharma paved the way for this to happen. I believe we will learn more about what the Buddha Master has given us as time goes on. This is one of the reasons I published last week the video of the chart of the Evolution of Buddhism over the centuries. We need to see how the dharma unfolded as we were ready to receive it and that is still happening. I also believe that the Buddha Master addressed this issue on how we need to view the magnificent works of the great masters of ancient times and do with what we have received as Dharma now when He answered the twelve questions He asked in the “Forward by Five People of Holy VIrtue” at the beginning of Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra. This will be the heart of our discussion tomorrow, November 26, 2022, at the Learning from Buddha College and Seminary Forum on Lesson 0 of course DCB21-“Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra: Forwards, Introductions, & Title.” You can CLICK on more on the class.
CLICK to read the WBAH’s Reply to Inquiries No. 2018102 on”Fire Offering of Buddha-Dharma and Dharma King Gar Tongstan,” September 14, 2018.
CLICK for testimonial by someone else who attended the Holy Fire Offering.
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