Entry to Holy Vajrasana Temple. To stress how important the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation (SAUMOL) is, we must remember that just before the Buddha left this world His Holiness told us that “. . ...
November 19, 2022 was the final ZOOM discussion on DCB26-“How to Realize Prajna” and covered the rituals that should be performed when you finish your dharma sessions including dedicating merit and certain mantras. It...
Sunset at the lake at the Holy Vajrasana Temple. Short note to let you know the Heart Sutra 10-Day retreat scheduled for March 18-28 has been postponed, but will be rescheduled as soon as: 1-we recover from quarantine...
The Buddha Hall, The Holy Vajrasana Temple & Retreat Center. Sonya wanted to add a zoom session that would focus on meditation and the rest of us agreed it was a great idea. We never have enough time for meditation...
Some changes. First, for both the classes and Open Mike, Reba (David Farrell) will be Co-Hosting to help with all aspects technical like admitting, muting, unmuting, chatting, etc. and to help you understand how to...