Giant Prayer Wheel at Land of Medicine Buddha, Soquel, California. Architectual drawing of Mahabodhi Stupa at Land of Medicine Buddha, Soquel, California. The Land of Medicine Buddha was opened as a Dharma and Retreat...
A map and a link to another article on how the major traditions spread throughout Asia have been added at the bottom of this article. The above graphic shows truncated sources of the various Buddhist lineages and the...
Pilgrims seeking Dharma from video. In 2011 a video was made about “The Site of the Vajra Throne Empowered by Dorje Chang Buddha”. Many of you have seen it. It told the story of how the Holy Vajrasana Temple...
Presenting the Big Blue Treasure Book “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III” to the Hopi Elders. Video released with English subtitles of Dharma Assembly honoring the publication of the Big Blue Book H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III...
Bobcat prepares to attack cattails and other vegetation. Yesterday two bobcats descended on the cattail clogged pond at the Holy Vajrasana Temple. The pond had been dry since earlier in the year when we no longer...
This video was released by the China International Education TV. The parts I know about were filmed late in October. A link to a translation of the narrative are found below. CLICK for link to translation of narrative...