A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

Tag - Sonora

Peacocks roosting in tree next to patio at Reba and Uma's home in Sonora, California.

Peachicks come again to Sonora

Twenty to thirty baby peachicks have arrived at the Sonoran home of Uma and Reba as they do every spring. Lucky, an almost white peachick, was abandoned by its mother and now allows Reba and Uma to share its house. He...

Trip to Sonora to see the new Peachicks.

I managed to squeeze in a quick trip to Sonora to see this year’s crop of peachicks. Unlike other years there were only four. The light colored one may grow up to be a white peacock, but they do not seem to have...

The Peapeople of Sonora

At least once a year, we plan a trip to Sonora, California to visit a  menagerie of wild turkeys, peafowl, cats, deer, etc. Four new peachicks have joined the ostentation of peafowl that have congregated at Reba and...