We started Lesson 16 of Learning from Buddha College & Seminary course DCB23 with a discussion of the truth of emptiness as expressed in the line from the Heart Sutra that says, “Form is emptiness; emptiness...
We continued discussing Lesson 13 of the text of DCB22-Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra: “PART TWO-I “. . . saw that they (the five aggregates) were all empty. . .” at our July 20, 2024 ZOOM session...
A mirage of water on a road. In a recent class on the passage “. . . illuminated the five aggregates, saw that they are all empty. . .” from Expounding the Absolute Truth from the Heart Sutra, we engaged in...
Photo of mummy of Chan (Zen) Sixth Patriarch Huineng (638-713) kept in Nanhua Temple in Shaoguan (northern Guangdong) China. The following charts have been part of the “Buddhist Practice” section of the Holy...
The Pope of Buddhism, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. There is an on-line encyclopedia that now has a wide selection of information on H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III with links to more. It provides considerable information in...
Image of Mahakala Vajra at the Dharma Protector Chapel of the Holy Vajrasana Temple, Sanger, California. This article is a revised version of one posted on March 28 that highlights and updates the features of the...
Yi Que Dan Pu (Tommy) Rinpoche, Solitary Retreatant. The following story in Chinese and also translated into English is the experience of Yi Que Dan Pu (Tommy) Rinpoche from the Bodhisattva Wish Temple in New York City...
On January 13 we almost finished our discussion of the third Mind-Essence practice from the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation part of Lesson 5 of C41(A)-The Three Principal Stages and Paths of Buddhist...
Altar at Xuanfa Dharmazentrum, Cologne, Germany. There is now a beautiful website in German (and English) in Europe that introduces H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and the authentic Buddha Dharma of Shakyamuni Buddha as...
On January 6 we finished our discussion of the third Mind-Essence practice from the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation part of Lesson 5 of C41(A)-The Three Principal Stages and Paths of Buddhist Practice...