The Buddha Hall, The Holy Vajrasana Temple & Retreat Center, Sanger, California, with copy of “Implementing the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra.” Someone asked at the end of the class on Saturday about...
Now, before you realize this state (prajna), you must first understand the state of initial breakthrough into the truth of your original appearance. What is called “initial breakthrough” is divided...
Finally we completed the 295 questions we covered to date on the background and title of the Heart Sutra. Over 200 of these questions were on the title and we have only finished one word “PRAJNA.” Of course that is a...
Saturday’s discussion (February 25, 2023) may have been our most impactful yet–or at least it was for me. I could see the “ahas” as we gained insight into the true meaning of “prajna,” especially the third and...
I want to share some background in preparation for our classes on the Paramitas–especially the last two, Meditation and Wisdom. I found that Tsongkapa in one of his many lamrims, the Middle-Length Treatise on the...
Our ZOOM discussion on February 18 finished Lesson 4 and began Lesson 5, continuing our study of the three types of prajna from DCB21 on the components of the title of Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart...
If one discerns selflessness (nairatmya) of phenomena, And, if having examined those, one should meditate on that, He has attained the cause for the result of Nirvana. Anything else is not a cause for serenity.” King of...
Our Saturday morning discussion with LFBCS students began a bit differently this week. Everyone present shared their understanding of what was meant by the phrase “Shifting the Mind,” a practice introduced in H.H. Dorje...
The Saturday morning discussions for LFBCS students started again at 9:00 am, January 21, 2023, on the title of the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra with the third of many sessions on “Prajna,” one of the most important and...