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Tag - prajna

QUOTE-The Pure Land

The wondrous doctrine of prajna is very profound. For this reason, the Buddha manifested the Pure Land, which is like an illusory city, and spoke words as a skillful means to take in living beings in the three spheres...

QUOTE-Sudden Enlightenment

Remember, no one in this world has the ability to enable you to instantly become thoroughly aware of your original nature and suddenly open up your true-thusness. This is something that you yourself must realize through...

Painting of Prajnaparamita personified. Sanskrit Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita Sutra manuscript written in the Ranjana script. Nalanda, Bihar, India. Circa 700-1100.

How to Realize Prajna

Painting of Prajnaparamita personified. Sanskrit Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita Sutra manuscript written in the Ranjana script. Nalanda, Bihar, India. Circa 700-1100. At the end of Expounding the Absolute Truth through...