I recently received a comment on this article by someone who argued for euthanasia to relieve the suffering of dying pet companions. Since I do not agree that euthanasia is an option for Buddhists and responded as such...
Today we have several articles on euthanasia for pets: A popular Buddhist Magazine suggests that it is showing compassion to put a pet out of its suffering, but a Buddhist tells his story about how he learned that was...
In November, Lion’s Roar published the following article on euthanizing pets as an act of compassion. In that magazine, previously known as the Shambhala Sun, James Ishmael Ford, the senior teacher for the Empty...
Instead of euthanasia for her aging dog, Ana Homayoun tried a palliative and hospice care approach to ease his pain and give him more time to enjoy life. In the December 12, 2018 edition of the New York Times she told...