Today we started our discussion on Lesson 24 of DCB24-Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra-III with the meaning of the line from the Heart Sutra that says “. . . no wisdom and also no attainment.” The...
It is the truth of emptiness by which one realizes emptiness but is not attached to emptiness. Realizing emptiness, one penetrates the empty forms or characteristics, knowing there is no form or characteristic to...
We finished Lesson 18 of Learning from Buddha College & Seminary course DCB23 with a discussion of the truth of emptiness as expressed in the lines from the Heart Sutra that says, “. . . no eyes, ears...
We finished Lesson 16 of Learning from Buddha College & Seminary course DCB23 continuing our discussion of the truth of emptiness as expressed in the line from the Heart Sutra that says, “Form is...
In this nirvana of great utilization of complete awareness that entails attainment yet non-attainment, no form, and neither coming nor not coming, true emptiness is marvelous existence. At this time, we do not...
We started Lesson 16 of Learning from Buddha College & Seminary course DCB23 with a discussion of the truth of emptiness as expressed in the line from the Heart Sutra that says, “Form is emptiness; emptiness...
It clearly illustrates the truth that true emptiness is marvelous existence. Although all phenomena are illusory, if one is not attached to them, then marvelous existence will transform into true emptiness. If one is...