Je Tsongkapa (1357–1419), Thanka at the Rubin Museum. Free Course and Series of ZOOM Discussions featuring the teachings of two Buddhas: H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Je Tsongkhapa are available on certain Saturdays...
We finished our discussion of the first part of Learning from Buddha on cultivation with a discussion of the “Parable of the Conjured or Phantom City” and what HH Dorje Chang Buddha III wants from His...
In case you have not noticed the courses offered by LFBCS have changed their appearance. There was a recent software upgrade and we are just beginning to understand how to use it. So far, I like it and find it easier to...
Join us for online discussions of the SAUMOL starting November 18, 2023 at 9:00 am PST on ZOOM. You will need to both enroll in ongoing course C41(A)-Three Principal Stages and Paths of Buddhist Practices AND to...
Logo for Xuanfa Institute. The ZOOM discussion today continued our discussion comparing the methods used to develop bodhichitta expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Je Tsongkapa. We found that the “Dharma...
My book about my experience in being a close disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is now available in PDF format to read online or download. CLICK for link. Articles on a draft version were published on this blog in...
We are resuming the Saturday morning classes to discuss C41(A)-The Three Principal Stages & Paths of Buddhist Practice this Saturday, October 28 at 9:00 am on ZOOM. We will continue our discussion of H.H. Dorje...
Zoom discussion yesterday, April 29, 2023 covered the introduction to C41-Three Principal Stages & Paths of Buddhist Practice. We explored how Buddhism came to the West from many different cultures and periods of...
Bronze statue of Je Tsongkapa. As I was developing the second lesson in C41-Three Principal Stages & Paths of Buddhist Practice, I realized a major omission. Je Tsongkapa included a basic introduction into...
Yesterday the Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra Saturday morning discussion group met again to explore another 16 questions (182-198) concerning the three types of prajnas. We considered what is...