We held our second and probably last zoom discussion on the biography of Lady Niguma by Sarah Harding. The students reading this book will continue with the homework for the text and we will consider whether or not to...
Lady Niguma. We held our first class discussion on June 20, 2023 discussing the Eight Chariots and how the Niguma lineage fit into that framework along with the question, “Who was Lady Niguma?” We finished...
In addition to our featured courses that we will discuss most Saturday mornings, I want to add an opportunity to investigate the lives and teachings of Buddhist masters–the patriarchs and matriarchs of the major...
Lady Yeshe Tshogyal. Some Buddhist believe that you need to be born as a male to become a holy being and that the spiritual capacity of females is not as great as that of males, but that is not the case. Green Tara...