Last year the World Buddhism Association Headquarters and the Holy Miracles Temple and other temples held a two day ceremony to respectfully honor the birthday of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in San Gabriel, California...
This video produced in China over four years ago has now been published again by the Office of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III with English subtitles on their YouTube channel. It has several of His senior disciples...
Wangzha Shangzun/Nick Best. Another video has emerged on the weight lifting event held on December 23, 2021, this time with English subtitles. The weight lifting contest was performed at the Holy Miracles Temple in...
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III lifting Buddha Vajra Pestle. Professional strongmen waiting to lift various pestles, December 23, 2021. More pictures have been found documenting H.H. DOrje Chang Buddha III lifting the...
Wangzha Shangzun reciting Heart Sutra. Wangzha Shangzun as Nick Best on his strongman channel reveals what happened to him when he tried to lift the Buddha Vajra Pestle (Scepter) at the Holy Miracles Temple. Other...
Medicine Buddha. World Buddhism Association Headquarters, the Holy Miracles Temple, and the Sanger Mission are sponsoring a Dharma Assembly to respectfully honor the Holy Birthday of the Medicine Buddha, Lapis Lazuli...
“Two Lotus Flowers, One Lotus Bud, One Dharma Nature” painting by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Attached is the main sutra that you can download and use to join in your own chanting for the Buddha Master and...
The students who attended the recent retreat in Sanger and others were able to hear a newly released discourse by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III entitled “Taking Refuge to Become a Buddhist Disciple and Practicing...
Several students who attended the February retreat at the Holy Vajrasana Temple and other recent classes and I were able to meet the Buddha Master after the retreat at the Holy Miracles Temple and receive His blessings...
Students came from North Carolina, California, and Arizona to hear and read from a preliminary translation of Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra. They also were able to hear a newly released discourse...