Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra was presented to the Grand Dharma Assembly held in Hong Kong in March 2014. Long Hui Fa Shi and I were interviewed concerning the miraculous events related to this...
We finished Lesson 13 with our study of the “Ten Illusory Things” and what they can teach us about emptiness as well as “The Eighteen Kinds of Emptiness”. The Buddha Master provided a detailed...
We continued discussing Lesson 13 of the text of DCB22-Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra: “PART TWO-I “. . . saw that they (the five aggregates) were all empty. . .” at our July 20, 2024 ZOOM session...
A mirage of water on a road. In a recent class on the passage “. . . illuminated the five aggregates, saw that they are all empty. . .” from Expounding the Absolute Truth from the Heart Sutra, we engaged in...
It clearly illustrates the truth that true emptiness is marvelous existence. Although all phenomena are illusory, if one is not attached to them, then marvelous existence will transform into true emptiness. If one is...
The only difference between living beings on the one hand and Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on the other hand is the difference between being deluded and being awake. Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart...
We finished discussing Lesson 12 of the text of DCB22-Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra: “PART TWO-I “. . . saw that they (the five aggregates) were all empty. . .” at our July 13...
The emptiness of dharmas is a state to be realized by Bodhisattvas. Not only should one realize the emptiness of personhood and self and the emptiness of mind, one should also realize the emptiness of dharmas. That is...
Photo of mummy of Chan (Zen) Sixth Patriarch Huineng (638-713) kept in Nanhua Temple in Shaoguan (northern Guangdong) China. The following charts have been part of the “Buddhist Practice” section of the Holy...
We finished discussing Lesson 11 of the text of DCB22-Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra: PART TWO-I at our July 6, 2024 ZOOM session. After discussing DCB 11C-“Becoming a Good...