Serious students gathered to continue and start their study of the Buddha Master’s sutra based on the Heart Sutra. Others joined the group for the long week end. Although I was able to read much of the text, I had...
We have one more retreat this year that will start at 7:00 pm the Friday evening after Christmas and end at noon on the following Friday, January 3, at noon. This retreat will have several parts. We will continue and...
The upcoming retreat to continue studying the preliminary translation of Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra will start on Friday evening at 7:00 pm with my reading an introduction to the Sutra by H.H...
I will continue to update this Table of Contents as I review and analyze the text. I realize that parts of the preliminary translations I currently have are not yet ready for posting on kindle, but I will add sections...
The Chinese edition of Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra was released at a formal Dharma Assembly in Hong Kong on March 23, 2014 with great fanfare. The Hong Kong announcer in the video below...
The second chant, done every morning and known as “The Four Bodhisattva Vows,” is from our refuge ceremony and one of the set of vows taken when you become a Buddhist: The Four Bodhisattva Vows...
Another series of classes on the preliminary translation of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha’s sutra that uses the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra to bestow true Buddha-dharma was held over the Labor Day Week End at the temple...
We will listen to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III impart the dharma through His profound sutra that uses the “Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra” of Avalokitesvara (Kuan Yin) Bodhisattva this Labor Day weekend at the...
Classes were recently held throughout California and in Oregon on “Expounding the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra,” the “Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation,” and...
Another series of classes was held over the Labor Day weekend to listen to and study the amazing sutra by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III that uses the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra as its foundation. We only made it through...