I want to apologize and correct something I said at the class held in San Francisco at Hua Zang Si last week. The English translation from Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra stated that...
Only through cultivation, learning dharma, and changing the order in which effects would otherwise mature due to causes can you realize prajna, your intrinsic nature, liberation, and accomplishment. H.H. Dorje Chang...
There are still a few beds open at the temple and room for many more commuters to our February 7-14 retreat on the Heart Sutra. We will have Mahayana, Vajrayana, and Theravada disciples and both lay and monastics...
Saturday, January 11, 2020, nuns and laypersons listened to a reading from a preliminary translation in English and Spanish of part of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s discourse given at the end of His sutra...
Cultivation is adopting specific methods to correct yourself and conform with the principles taught by the Buddha.
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra
People have asked about staying at the temple. We do have rates, registration forms, and FAQ posted on our temple website. These were developed for those wishing to come and take private retreats. Now that some of you...
I will read from a rare preliminary English translation of a discourse given in China by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III that is included at the end of His famous sutra Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra...
This is just a warning. With the hopeful release of English translations of two important texts by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III soon, the availability of a preliminary translation of Imparting the Absolute Truth Through...
The last retreat we have scheduled on the Buddha Master’s sutra that uses the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra to teach us how to realize prajna will start Friday evening, December 27, at 7:00 with the introduction to...
I will read a preliminary translation and lead a discussion on Expounding the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III starting at 11:00 am with chanting and meditation starting at 10:00 am...