“Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra” on the altar at the Holy Vajrasana Temple. You may have noticed that not all the courses offered at Learning From Buddha College and Seminary (LFBCS) are the...
Lake at the temple after the first snow runoff in 2022. We have started a program of having residential seminary students stay at the temple. These are unique students who want to devote their lives to learning from...
For those of you who cannot attend the real service, but want to show your devotion and gratitude to our guru, please join us at 10:00 am Wednesday, March 30 for a ZOOM memorial service to honor H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha...
Revised October 31, 2021. We are cleaning the temple, starting a new adobe storage shed, and getting ready for a very ambitions retreat and class schedule starting in January. The rest of this year we will only have...
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. On September 25 & 28 and on October 2, we held ZOOM classes on the “Relationship between Main Practices and Preliminary Practices” using a preliminary translation of a discourse given by...
The Buddha Hall, The Holy Vajrasana Temple & Retreat Center, Sanger, California, with copy of “Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra.” We were not successful in reading the entire text of...
Lotus blooming on Heavenly Lake at Buddha Town in Hesperia, CA. Sunlight sparkled like diamonds on the surface of Holy Heavenly Lake at Buddha Town in Hesperia when our retreat group visited it Saturday afternoon...
Studying “Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra.” Oryoki lunch during the retreat. We spent Independence Day and the following week on retreat and by chanting, studying Expounding the Absolute Truth...
The Buddha Hall, The Holy Vajrasana Temple & Retreat Center, Sanger, California. Fresno County is now in the moderate COVID Restriction Zone (ORANGE) and assuming it stays there, I would like to plan for Seminar...
The Sanskrit term bodhi-pakshana or bodhipakshika-dharma or bodhipakkhiya-dhamma literally means those 37 factors or things pertaining to enlightenment. They include the prerequisites for the attainment of enlightenment...