Vulture Peak (Gridhrakūta) in Rajgir, India. At our class discussion on August 24, 2024, we discussed the second and third sentences from the Prajna-Paramita Heart Sutra: “Sariputra, form does not differ from...
We started Lesson 17 of Learning from Buddha College & Seminary course DCB23 with a discussion of the truth of emptiness as expressed in the lines from the Heart Sutra that says, “The same is true of feeling...
We finished Lesson 16 of Learning from Buddha College & Seminary course DCB23 continuing our discussion of the truth of emptiness as expressed in the line from the Heart Sutra that says, “Form is...
In this nirvana of great utilization of complete awareness that entails attainment yet non-attainment, no form, and neither coming nor not coming, true emptiness is marvelous existence. At this time, we do not...
We started Lesson 16 of Learning from Buddha College & Seminary course DCB23 with a discussion of the truth of emptiness as expressed in the line from the Heart Sutra that says, “Form is emptiness; emptiness...
The Wheel of Life showing the Buddha in all of the Six Realms of the Desire Realm, a painting at the Holy Vajrasana Temple. At our class last week someone asked about the various heavens and hells as expressed in...
The Buddha’s teaching of the “Middle Way” manifests in many ways in Buddhism. One way is the view that reality is based on all things being material or eternal as seen in “substantialism”...