A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

Tag - emptiness

QUOTE-Marvelous Existence

It clearly illustrates the truth that true emptiness is marvelous existence. Although all phenomena are illusory, if one is not attached to them, then marvelous existence will transform into true emptiness. If one is...

QUOTE-Emptiness of Dharmas

The emptiness of dharmas is a state to be realized by Bodhisattvas. Not only should one realize the emptiness of personhood and self and the emptiness of mind, one should also realize the emptiness of dharmas. That is...

QUOTE-False Practice

False practice includes how one handles all worldly matters as well as one’s view of unconditioned phenomena. That is, in one’s Dharma practice and in developing one’s view of emptiness, one practices...

QUOTE-Wisdom and Dhyana

All wisdom comes from dhyana. Without dhyana, what arises is worldly cleverness or intelligence.  The dhyana of practitioners of non-Buddhist ways falls into the categories of two types of emptiness—nihilistic...

QUOTE-Cultivating Goodness

The true-thusness of dharma-nature being intrinsically empty and tranquil, how could there be form? However, karma binds and entraps the body that is a provisional combination of the four great elements. One can be...