An excellent CD of a recent dharma discourse given by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has just been released in both English and Chinese. It is an excellent introduction to the study of both the Supreme and Unsurpassable...
No it is not. One may study the sutras to learn how to cultivate oneself, but just the study of the Buddha’s teachings is not the same as practicing those teachings to train oneself to have one’s three...
Some think that esoteric dharma is the highest dharma and that exoteric dharma is the lowest form of practice. This is not correct but rather an erroneous view. Erroneous View #51: THE VIEW THAT ESOTERIC DHARMA IS THE...
There are many practices that corrupt masters use to dupe their followers. Saying that he or she can transfer part of his or her lifespan is one of them. We must all rely on our own cultivation and practice, and not...
Conscious giving where you are attached in any way to the act, is not correct cultivation, although it may be rewarded in this world or the heavenly realms. It does not help you become liberated or a holy person. The...
You should defend the dharma and protect the precious teachings of the Buddhas like a ferocious tigress defends her cubs. When you see evil ideas being expounded that will harm the good roots of others, do not be...
One does not need to become a monastic to follow the Buddha. Shakyamuni Buddha had disciples who were monastics, but also those who were not. Some were kings and in government and other professions. We often refer to...
If you are ill, you must cultivate yourself, request empowerment and Buddhist pills, seek medical help, and take appropriate medicine. You should not just rely on the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and empowerment. Erroneous...
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III warns us of three evil views concerning how we regard the teachings and application of those teachings of the Buddhas to our lives in the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation...
Bodhicitta is holy compassion that truly helps living beings become liberated from suffering. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III tells us there are several evil and erroneous views that are held concerning bodhichitta...