A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

Tag - cultivation

QUOTE–Beneficial Effects

What is important for a Buddhist is to enter deeply into the sutras, vinayas, and shastras and emphasize cultivation. Only then can one practice the Dharma to receive beneficial effects. Regarding physical health, that...

QUOTE–Negative Karma

No matter how heavy your negative karma is, as long as you sincerely repent, become a good person, cultivate yourself well, and learn the dharma well, you, too, can attain accomplishment.” H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha...

QUOTE–SAUMOL, Bodhichitta

One must teach people to cultivate and act out of bodhicitta. That is what people who have understood their mind and seen their original nature should do. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III “The Supreme and Unsurpassable...

QUOTE – Demons

The worst demon, the most vicious demon is not the Demon King Mara. Rather, it is the demon of knowledge and views! This demon of knowledge and views can completely destroy a person or a cultivator. It is very difficult...