Cover of Chinese book “Learning from Buddha”. Sunday we continued our discussion of the first of three lessons on cultivation and started the second lesson on Dharma. We discussed the various Pure Lands and who goes...
You should read and reread Part I of Learning from Buddha, “If You Learn Dharma but Do Not Cultivate Yourself, You Cannot Attain Accomplishment.” We will also review what we learned from the first class...
Chinese cover of “Learning from Buddha.” We will continue our detailed on-line study of Learning from Buddha, the recently released in English sutra by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, next Sunday afternoon, September...
Our discussion on how this class impacted our actual practice and cultivation focused mostly on our understanding of the FIve Vidyas themselves and not on the two erroneous views related to them. No worry, We will...
The Four All-embracing Bodhisattva Virtues are known as the four methods that Bodhisattvas employ to approach and save living beings. They include 1-giving gifts that people like, 2-using kind words, 3-acting to...
At our class held on August 9, someone asked about suicide–whether people who commit suicide go to hell and, if so, will they be there forever? My response was, as I understand it, yes and no. Yes, they do go to...
Next Sunday we will finish this series on the Five Vidyas by allowing time for all to reflect on how they have applied what they have learned about the Five VIdyas to their daily practice and life. If you have not...
At yesterday’s dharma class, we discussed the Five Vidyas in preparation for our debate on the two erroneous views that we will hold next week. I shared my realization that you need to understand what the Five...
We will continue to study the “Two Erroneous Views Concerning the Five Vidyas,” on August 9 at 2:00 pm. We will continue to use the “Seven-Dharmas System” for this series of classes. CLICK for...
Group Study Session-Class at the Xuanfa Dharma Center at Hesperia. Recently, the World Buddhism Association Headquarters (WBAH) issued two public announcements on “The Correct Way of Holding Group Study Sessions...