The Four All-embracing Bodhisattva Virtues are known as the four methods that Bodhisattvas employ to approach and save living beings. They include 1-giving gifts that people like, 2-using kind words, 3-acting to...
The blessings of the Holy Vajrasana Temple are not just for human beings. Various light forms and beings from other realms including ghosts and spirits are seen and photographed at this site. When the yurt was finished...
The second class in this on-line series on The Dharma of Cultivation Transmitted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was held April 12, 2020. We chanted mantras and dharmas from the Holy Vajrasana Temple Chant Book...
At our Lemonade Sangha open mike today, a request was made for accounts of the lives of true Buddhist saints that we could study to gain insight on how others have lived a holy life. I went back to the courses we had...
A YouTube video from a Korean monastery claims their resident cat does prostrations and meditates with the monks and refuses to eat meat. If I understand the video correctly the cat is inspiring others to follow the...
This simple chant is offered at the beginning of most activities at our and most Buddhist temples and ceremonies to all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Mahasattvas. Non-Buddhists sometimes mistake our devotion as...
Absolutely not! It is an evil view to think that you can justify falsely claiming to be a certain Buddha or Bodhisattva as a skillful means to bring people to the dharma. Evil View #6: Acknowledging that one may falsely...
No matter how enlightened one may think he or she is, one must not be disrespectful to representations of holy beings no matter what form they may take. I have noticed that some people have a tendency to be more...
Buddhas and Bodhisattvas use many forms and methods to expound the dharma and benefit living beings. Sometimes they use the gentle “Bodhi Voice” and sometimes they may use the more wrathful “Vajra...
It is an erroneous view to hold that Bodhisattvas never get sick. Even Great bodhisattvas get sick. Sometimes they even get sick for the sake of living beings like Ven. Vimalakirti. Erroneous View #61: THE VIEW...