It is not permissible to alter a mudra or mantra or change the wording or arrangement of a dharma manual. This is not only to show proper respect to the dharma and the holy beings associated with the dharma, but is...
We have already discussed how important it is in this practice to show respect to your root master in the article on “Evil View #31,” but there are two erroneous views on this matter that you must avoid as...
If you have a root master who has both holy realization and bodhichitta, you must follow that master. However, you should NOT follow a master who does not have bodhichitta and who follows any of the 128 evil or...
You should not accept as your Vajra Master anyone who is arrogant, filled with self-pride, ignorant, false, or does not have bodhicitta. The “Fifty Stanzas of Guru Devotion” do not apply to false gurus, only...
The answer is, “No.” They may represent a true lineage of a genuine sect of Buddhism, but most of the leaders of Buddhism today, in this Dharma-Ending Age are shams because their cultivation and practice are...
Terma is a Tibetan term for “hidden treasure” that describes hidden teachings that are key to the Vajrayana or Tibetan Buddhist traditions. They are part of esoteric or tantric Buddhist teachings...
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has told us that there will not be a great global disaster and our earth will not be destroyed. However, we still need to do our part to maintain and protect our environment. Erroneous View...
You will not become accomplished if you lie to your master. Even if your master does not know you have lied, you will not fool your yidam or the dharma protectors and they will not help you become accomplished. You...
Those with a good spiritual foundation can be found among both males and females.
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
The Supreme & Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation
Master Marpa It is unacceptable for a master to make any unreasonable demand on his or her disciple or to demand and take property from that disciple. This has been a serious problem, especially in Tibetan Buddhism. It...