When reporting on my reaction to reading and practicing the two “essences” from a preliminary translation of The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation (SAUMOL), I was able to beseech the speedy release of an official version that you may also read and follow. It is excellent and essential that you practice this Buddha-dharma as soon as it is available in English. I am very optimistic that will happen soon. It was published in Chinese as Public Announcement No. 14 by the Office of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in 2010. It includes the “128 Evil and Erroneous Views,” which has been released in preliminary translation form. I will continue to discuss these views in future blogs.
Announcement No. 14 is not complete, but it does provide two of the three “essences” that relate to our cultivation that we should practice, if we wish to become liberated. You do not need to receive any initiation or have a Guru or even be a Buddhist to practice them. They can be beneficial to anyone, no matter your background or experience. They are available at many levels. CLICK for more background on the SAUMOL.
Can’t wait , can’t wait Can’t Wait
Me, too.