We are able now to book people for Seven-Day and Thirty-Day Solitary Retreats at the temple with several options: the Dharma Protector Chapel; new glamping-style bell tents, the Chalet, shown here while under construction, and a private room in the temple. If you are interested, please let me know and I will send you the prerequisites and what dates are still available. You can find the requirements and a check list at R97X-Solitary Retreat-Xiuxing Practice Program.
The Special Retreat Dharma from the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation that the Buddha Master transmitted to me in 2010 was for use in the Dharma Protector Chapel, but can also be used by anyone doing a retreat. What the Buddha Master told me was that even though it is considered a Protector Dharma, “This is a ‘helping’ dharma, not a “protecting” dharma. It augments or increases the effectiveness of any dharma that is practiced with it. This is an aspect of the Dharma Protectors. They make things work.” You will need certain Dharmas to do this practice and I can provide you a check list, if you request it or go to the R97X-Solitary Retreat-Xiuxing Practice Program.
Remember, Venerable Tsemang emphasized at our recent Glendale Dharma Assembly celebrating the Holy Birthday of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III that we must “diligently devote ourselves to studying and wholeheartedly practicing the teachings” of our great Buddha Master. I believe this program can help you enhance your practice in two ways:
1-It provides a methodology for doing your practice that can increase the effectiveness of what you are already doing and can enable you to integrate all the dharmas you have learned from the Buddha Master. Once you learn this secret technique you can do your own retreats in your own home.
2-It provides a special safe space where you can be free from outside distractions and responsibilities. WARNING! Too often we hide from ever knowing who we are by these very distractions and always being busy–even busy doing good things, Buddha work. Solitude can be a scary thing, if you are not ready for it. You are not allowed to talk or use any electronic devises while on retreat. Are you ready for that?
I will be starting my own thirty-day retreat using this method next week. I tried to do it many years ago when I first received a translation of the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation, but wasn’t ready. Hopefully I will be this time. I am hopeful that some of you will be interested in this program. I will provide more details and can answer any questions after September 15, when I come out.

The Buddha Master told me that this picture of the chalet captured one of the many dharma protectors who guard this temple. These columns of neon pink light have been seen here on several occasions. I think it was a most auspicious sign that the Holy Vajra Poles were violently shaking while we were preparing for our most recent Solitary Retreats. I have not seen them do that since before COVID. I know that many of you who receive this BLOG have experienced the quaking or shaking Holy Vajra Poles. The Buddha Master also told me that it was certain dragon Dharma Protectors who protect this land that communicated with us by causing the poles to vibrate. It was a sign of their approval over what we were doing to bring the Buddha Dharma to Westerners. I was very happy to learn that they are still with us, and eager to continue with that mission.
Originally posted on August 8, 2023.
I was very grateful for my solitary retreat. Master Zhaxi Zhuma had a full schedule for us . At first I was a bit overwhelmed, however I feel it was brilliantly planned. We all know that impermanence is the very first principle to understand and to help us to move ahead with teachings and realization. With the help of the dharma protectors and
Also the amazing guidance of Master Zhaxi Zhuoma. I clearly had not had the primal fear and understanding of this very important aspect of our teachings. Meditation throughout, opened the portals to deeper faith and renunciation. I had the most amazing awakening to life. The humility for this dharma, the temple, the auspicious place
To be connecting with all six realms, humanity and the Buddhas
Thank you Master Zhaxi Zhuoma. Thank you temple host Froggy.
Thank you Anjushuri for your journey to the temple.
Thank you master Zhaxi Zhuma for the well prepared and retreat schedule. My experience humbled me about my humanity. I believe that working with the Mahamudra of liberation was as the Buddha predicted. It enhanced my understanding, deepened the realization of saving living beings and renunciation.
Thank you for your guidance on spending more time with meditation.
I clearly have a deeper understanding of the preciousness of life. I have little time for realization and enlightenment.
The power of the dharma protectors was potent. Thank you . Thank you.