The Holy Vajrasana Temple website has been updated to better integrate it with the Learning from Buddha College and Seminary (LFBCS) activities, complement this more-or-less weekly blog, and reflect known plans. You may note that there are no longer any links to future plans, because honestly, it is not possible at the present to predict what we will be doing. I need to finish the improvements to the Sanger location to enable the temple to be opened as a temple. We put a lot on hold when the opportunity arose to establish a second temple in Hesperia at the Holy Heavenly Lakes site and be near the Buddha Master. COVID stopped everything and a lot has changed.
Now the priorities are to further the development of the “Lemonade Sangha” and the on-line school so as to promote the availability of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha’s Dharma discourses, texts, and related Buddhist teachings for English speakers. We have our daily early morning broadcasts from the temple under the very capable international cast of Reba Jinbo Rinpoche and his partners in North Carolina and Toronto, Don Asper and Derby Woo. Sunday mornings we include a reading from the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation. We are also holding ZOOM forums on our study of Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra several times a month and have started holding Zoom debates as students complete their homework for the various LFBCS courses. There are more preliminary translations of Dharma discourses to be recorded and related courses to be developed. The temple is open for those who can come to read and study as well as meditate and practice their dharmas.
Very blessed