The Chinese edition of Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra was released at a formal Dharma Assembly in Hong Kong on March 23, 2014 with great fanfare. The Hong Kong announcer in the video below provides the highlights using the early translation of the title of this book. I was not able to take photos during the event itself, but the rehearsal photo above captures the essence of the event. The rinpoches will make offerings as shown in the TV video.

Three-color nectar bestowed at Holy Miracles Temple.
Even more amazing was the Dharma Assembly held on March 14 at the Holy Miracles Temple in Pasadena before this event to empower the dharma water used in stamping seals to be used on the first edition books released at the assembly. At that time, the Buddhas manifested a three-color nectar in a dharma bowl before those assembled at the temple. After chanting mantras the nectar spontaneously appeared to the delight of all present as shown in the photo below.

I remember getting a call to come to Pasadena immediately. I wanted to take time to at least shower, but was told, “NO, come as you are. You do not want to miss this.” That was true, I didn’t. Especially holy events are never discussed on phone or by other electronic means. It was a great honor to be able participate in both of these events.
CLICK for Chinese video of the above event.
CLICK for transcript of speech by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III on two photos showing him reversing old age to youth that is mentioned in the video.
CLICK for article on Dharma King Gar Tongstan.
CLICK for more information on holy nectar.
CLICK for transcript of speech I gave at the Hong Kong Dharma Assembly shown in the Hong Kong video above. Shortly before this Grand Dharma Assembly the Buddha Master showed me the two photos that were to be released at that assembly. I had not attended the event when He transformed, but I told Him I had seen Him do the same thing probably ten years earlier. I had never mentioned the event to anyone. This was not uncommon because so many very strange and miraculous events happened. I did not know until I told Him about it that probably no one else saw this miracle. That, too, is not uncommon. I do not know why I was so blessed. The same thing happened when I saw the Buddha turn blue when I received the vajra pill that flew away. I don’t think anyone else saw that either.
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