To stress how important the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation (SAUMOL) is, we must remember that just before the Buddha left this world His Holiness told us that
“. . . At all times, we must think about bringing auspiciousness, serenity, happiness, and peace to living beings and to the world, to the extent of giving our all and even our lives. I have already brought true Buddha Dharma to this world. Everyone who practices in accordance with The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation (SAUMOL) and Expounding the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra will surely attain liberation. That’s all. I wish all living beings happiness.”
You do not need to become a Buddhist to hear and practice the SAUMOL as it can be practiced at many levels. The SAUMOL explains the different techniques needed to practice cultivation and meditation. We sincerely hope that this great dharma will soon be available in English for all to read and practice. Until that happens, you may still listen to the text every Sunday at the Holy Vajrasana Temple and Retreat Center or by enrolling in the related courses at the Learning from Buddha College and Seminary (LFBCS). You may also join us for discussions on Expounding the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra as a full student at LFBCS. Reba Jinbo Rinpoche has volunteered to help anyone enroll in these courses or join the daily chanting at 6:00 am or contact me (Zhaxi Zhuoma).
Every Sunday you can join us at 6:00 am PT to listen to the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation (SAUMOL) with the “128 Evil & Erroneous Views” read the first Sunday of every month and the “Xiaman Most Excellent Oceanic Mind-Essence” and the “Most Excellent Enlightenment Emptiness-Practice” read on a rotating basis the other Sundays. There is also a brief meditation session and chanting that is part of this session and often a spirited discussion period afterwards.
We are also continuing to chant our praises to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas every Monday through Friday at 6:00 AM PT, reflecting on what we have learned from the Buddha and how well we are cultivating ourselves; meditating; and dedicating merit to living beings everywhere. Saturday mornings we do the same, but devote more time to our meditation.
You are welcome to join us for any or all of these days, either at the temple or via ZOOM and the links below. If you are new to the temple, located at 11507 East Ashlan Avenue, Sanger California (across from Wolf Lakes), there is informal parking in front of the temple. Just enter through the small porch with elaborate Tibetan Columns, leave your shoes inside the door and join us in the Buddha Hall.
We also offer study retreats and classes on Expounding the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra to learn the other great dharma the Buddha Master brought us . CLICK for more on Learning from Buddha College & Seminary courses on the sutra and other courses.
CLICK to register for ZOOM Link for Sunday morning Chanting and SAUMOL reading at 6:00 AM PT. Starting January 5, 2025, you will need to register again to be able to attend classes. CLICK for more information.
CLICK for ZOOM link for morning chanting and meditation at 6:00 AM PT, Monday-Saturday.
The temple is usually open to those who comply with current vacination and mask requirements and available to everyone on ZOOM. Since we are also a retreat center, we ask that visitors respect any restrictions that may be in place due to on-going retreats, as some retreatants may be observing vows of silence.
CLICK for a list of the 128 Views and a link to the brief discourses given by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III on each of them.
To see the start time in your timezone, use this timezone converter. On the right hand side put the start time (6:00 AM) and “Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)” or “Pacific Standard Time (PST)” in the two boxes. The left top box should show the start time in your local timezone.
Great Beginning to the new years