A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

Raw Beet Salad with Eggs

Raw Beet Salad with Eggs.
Raw Beet Salad with Eggs.

If you can’t find yellow beets, it is ok to use all red ones. I think they have more flavor anyhow. If you use both colors keep them separate and only combine at last minute as the red ones will stain the yellow ones.

  • 1 Raw red beet, peeled,
  • 1 Raw yellow beet, peeled,
  • Salt & black pepper,
  • 4 Tbsp Lemon juice ,
  • 2 Tbsp Lemon zest,
  • 1/2 Cup Sour cream or plain Greek yogurt (unsweetened),
  • 2 Tbsp Grated horseradish,
  • 6 oz Waterctess, trimmed and chopped or baby spinach or arugula,
  • 4 Red radishes,
  • 4 Hard boiled eggs, peeled.

Season the beets: Slice red beet as thinly as possible with a mandoline or sharp knife and place in a small bowl. Slice golden beet and place in a separate bowl. Season each bowl with salt and pepper, 1/4 lemon juice and lemon zest. Toss and leave to marinate for at least 10 minutes.
Make the horseradish cream: Put crème fraîche or sour cream or Greek yogurt in a small serving bowl. Add horseradish, 1/2 lemon juice and lemon zest. Season to taste with salt and pepper and set aside.

Make the salad: Place watercress or other greens in a low salad bowl or serving platter. Arrange seasoned beet slices over the cress and drizzle with any remaining lemon juice. Scatter radish slices over the salad and garnish with quartered or halved eggs. Sprinkle salad very lightly with salt. Serve the horseradish cream separately and add a spoonful to each serving.

4 Servings.

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Zhaxi Zhuoma

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