The first time I saw nectar rain was when I was living with Dorje PaMu. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was visiting us and sitting in a wicker chair under a magnolia tree in the garden behind the house. I looked over and saw that the ground was wet around the Buddha Master, but there was no sign of rain anywhere else. The sky was clear and the sun shone brightly. You could see streaks or what we soon realized was holy nectar coming through the branches of the tree, but not touching the branches. It did not touch the Buddha Master either. It did rain on the rest of us. I could feel it on my bald head and taste its sweetness on my tongue. Others could smell a wonderful perfume, but I did not have the merit to receive that blessing. Although I witnessed many situations when nectar fell from the heavens, I was only able to smell it recently. It has an incredible fragrance. It rained like that for several days. People came from all over the USA as well as China and Taiwan just to see it.

The tree was boxed and lifted by a large crane over the house where we were staying and moved to Hua Zang Si, a temple in San Francisco. It has rained nectar on other occasions there as well. When the book H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was formally presented at Hua Zang Si, it started raining nectar first at the Magnolia tree shown upper left and then, as if to accommodate more people, from the tree in front on the temple shown here.

Another time I experienced nectar rain was during and after a Birthday ceremony for H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. A very large thangka of Thousand-Arm Kuan Yin Bodhisattva was hanging from a beautiful purple flowering jacaranda tree in the garden of the Buddha Master’s home. We were sitting under a tent watching various disciples do skits and perform musical numbers and dances. I was sitting just outside the tent closer to the tree when I felt something wet on my head. Again, the sun was shining brightly without a cloud in the sky, just like it had in PaMu’s garden. Sure enough, it was nectar. This time the nectar took on different forms: sometimes it was white and fluffy, sometimes it was needle-like. Again, it rained intermittently for some time. I asked permission to film the nectar and was granted such, but warned the still camera could not capture it. That was the case, but video cameras were able to record the events. CLICK for more.
Recently, I have also seen it rain nectar outside the Covina Police Station next to the H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Cultural and Art Museum before other Dharma Assemblies and, of course, at the birthday celebration on June 24, 2018.

It was reported that it also rained nectar in Dayi County, China when the Master Wan Ko Yee (H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III) Museum was opened there. CLICK for more.
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