Dr. Tiller, a professor emeritus of materials science and engineering at Stanford University, tells us that “the term Psychoenergetics[1] was coined by the Russians in the Soviet era or 1950-1970. This was done to provide a strongly materialistic flavor to the fields of parapsychology and spiritual-related phenomena in order to make research in these areas palatable to the communist party’s worldview.” Dr. Tiller started his work to find a rigorous framework for scientifically understanding this class of phenomena during this period and until the present time. He expanded on Einstein’s revolutionary work in this area even expanding Einstein’s famous E=mc2 to incorporate the evolutionary concept of consciousness. He even devised formulae, based upon careful experimental research, that link “subtle energies” to those of mainstream science and which expand the present-day formation of quantum mechanics. He noted that there “…was a class of truly weird phenomena that had been visible for more than a century and was somehow related to various processes associated with the application of human consciousness in our world. On the other hand, there still exists today, a very long-held, underlying assumption of conventional science that ‘No human qualities of consciousness, intention, emotion, mind or spirit can significantly influence a well-designed target experiment in physical reality.’ Something is very wrong here!”
He noted that “…the first Copernican revolution of thought lifted humanity from an earth-centric, theocratic-inspired, model of our solar system, which was largely qualitative in terms of details, to a local solar system which was sun-centered.” This, in turn, with the contribution of Galileo, Newton, and others, expanded our world-view and provided the framework for the great technological advancements of our modern era. He also provided his intuitive hypothesis on the link of our physical reality within the context of our higher [or spiritual] dimensional nature”…that this new, second Copernican-type revolution will, in terms of scale, be at least as significant for the progress of humankind as the first one!”
Not all scientists are there yet, or even close, but this beginning is hopeful. Much of what he writes is vastly beyond my capacity to absorb and, frankly, my interest. However, I believe that it is very relevant to our practice and is consistent with the teachings of the Buddha, albeit in a different language and perspective and with a different goal although Dr. Tiller holds that the underlying principle of all is “love.” You may ask how I can talk of dragons and yidams and all sorts of strange things and still be interested in science? I know a very bright young man, who was brought up as a religion-scorning communist, who thought that monks were parasites of the people and begrudged the donations his pious mother gave them. After several business failures, he took some time off to reflect on what had gone wrong in his life and started reading books by some on his favorite scientists and mathematicians. At the end of one such work, a scientist whom he admired greatly, said something after explaining an evolved scientific finding, “Of course, the Buddha told us all of this over 2,500 years ago.” He then decided to reconsider the works of the Buddha and is now a great master as well as a successful scientist. I too believe that science will eventually catch up with the Buddha or at least come closer to explaining what is now unkown and mysterious and the world will be better for it. I also believe that like unlocking the power of the atom through the work of Einstein et al came with great risks and potential for disaster, likewise our research into consciousness and our higher natures must be based in the evolution of our character. Correct Cultivation is essential on so many levels.
CLICK for section from my book Thus Have I Seen: The Marvelous True Buddha Dharma and Its Power to Transform that discusses psychoenergetics.
CLICK for video by Dr. Tiller on “Orbs. Are they a Psychoenergetic Phenomenon?” This is mostly about Dr. Tiller’s ideas on psychoenergetic science and a bit (ok, very) technical.
[1] Psychoenergetic Science relates to the relationship between human consciousness and subtle energy.
What a concept ‘love ‘
And science all planets
And at the astronomical center
The sun . The human consciousness is so complex . I am amazed how all the Buddha’s and bodhisattvas understand this Completely. Who said Vidyas were
A key ?