Since we discussed the significance of opening your crown in attaining liberation at our recent LFBCS class, I thought it might be helpful to provide access to the discourse that the Buddha Master gave on the matter in 2009. You will need to become at least an auditing member of the Learning from Buddha College and Seminary to be able to access D14(A). If you want to take the course (D14) and listen to the discussion listed below you will need to enroll in either the Buddhist Studies or Xiuxing Seminary programs. Please go to our User Guides for a video about the site and to learn how to become a member, enroll in classes, and navigate the various classes, once enrolled.
CLICK for reading of preliminary translation of Dharma Discourse by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha on D14(A)-“Opening the Crown is a Must to Attain Accomplishment and Liberation.” This discourse explains how you can tell which realm someone will be reborn in after their death and what you need to do to have a favorable next life, including escaping rebirth in samsara or this realm. There are a lot of dharma gems included in this discourse.
CLICK for a very interesting discussion of the D14 class given on this discourse on April 16, 2022. after the Buddha Master left this world I gave a class on opening your crown and the discussion that followed and is recorded here reflected on our new conditions. Now that we have finished DCB21 and been introduced to the different aspects of prajna and how to use prajna, this discourse and this discussion about this discourse has a deeper meaning. I believe that several of the questions that were asked in Saturday’s discussion on attaining prajna and becoming enlightened beings are also addressed here. I have one correction to make on this video. I think I was in Montana, not Seattle when engaged in the Phowa discussion. Phowa is tantric practice for the transference of consciousness at the time of death.
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