Revised October 31, 2021. We are cleaning the temple, starting a new adobe storage shed, and getting ready for a very ambitions retreat and class schedule starting in January. The rest of this year we will only have private retreats, but check out what will be available starting January 14, 2022. We may still require face masks for a while, at least for certain events, but we are open. The Lemonade Sangha will continue with various ZOOM programs, but some will morph into the Learning from Buddha College & Seminary. Anyone who can meet the following conditions can attend our daily events, scheduled retreats, and come and read and study the two major sutras by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III: the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation (SAUMOL) and Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra. You may also participate in our various virtual classes and events while at the temple. Our retreat and major event schedule is posted and will be maintained HERE.
- Do not come if you are ill or show any sign of infection. Do receive a COVID test prior to coming if you feel you may have been exposed to the virus.
- You need to have all (one or two) vaccine shots before coming and have poof. NO ONE IS TO ENTER THE TEMPLE WITHOUT PROOF OF HAVING RECEIVED THE VACCINE and completed the waiting period after receiving it. Depending on the circumstance, we may make exceptions for very young children who cannot yet receive any of the vaccines.
- Make advanced reservations, if you wish to stay overnight.
- If you are familiar with them, observe the rules given in the SAUMOL for making food offerings to the local ghosts and gods when you stay at the temple. Please do not bring other food. Let us know if you have food allergies and we will make sure we have something that you can eat. Flower offerings are always welcome. If you are not familiar with the SAUMOL guidelines, please contact me and I will explain or join us at one of our Sunday morning readings of the “Most Excellent Enlightenment Emptiness-Practice Oceanic Mind-Essence.” This is also known as the third mind-essence.
- Larger groups of pilgrims wishing to visit the Holy Vajra Poles are welcome, but cannot enter the temple unless they meet the above criteria.
We have scheduled formal retreats at the temple starting January 14, 2022 and have others scheduled throughout the year (See SCHEDULE). We will continue the on-line virtual events with ZOOM classes Tuesday and Saturday mornings and the Sunday afternoon classes as long as we do not have any schedule conflicts (such as formal retreats), as well as streaming our daily morning chanting sessions at 6:00 am every day. These sessions will also include time for meditation and, during the Monday through Friday sessions, a reflection on what we have learned from Buddha. The Saturday morning sessions focuses more on a longer meditation session. The Sunday morning sessions now includes a guided contemplation using the second and third-mind essences or the 128 Evil or Erroneous Views from the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation. We are also reestablishing the daily afternoon chanting at 5:00 pm at the temple that you are welcome to join.
Thank you for making the Temple and these sacred texts available to us at this difficult time.
may all be auspicious
Getting ready for a very ambitious retreat*