The Governor has reinstated closing places of worship in Fresno County, California. However, we will still offer a few more people the opportunity to come to the temple the weekend of July 25, starting at 9:00 am and ending at 9:00 pm on Sunday, July 26 for another intensive study of Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra. We will try and do this once per month. This month we will start with the lines
“Sariputra, form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form. Form is emptiness; emptiness is form.”
We will go as far as we can with group classes at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm on Saturday and 9:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 7:00 pm Sunday. You may read the text on your own at other times. There will also be a virtual Lemonade Sangha Open Mike on Saturday morning at 9:00 am that is optional. We will also have Sunday morning chanting on-line at 7:00 am on Sunday morning.
We do observe Shelter-in-Place rules of social distancing and wearing masks. If you want to stay at the temple there is one bedroom available, but you will need to share a bathroom. We eat Oryoki meals in Buddha Hall and take turns serving ourselves individually in the kitchen. We can only have 3-4 guests. We do still have space, but let me know asap when you would like to come to make sure there is still room.
We ask that you observe our protocols. CLICK for details.
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