A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

INDEX to the Thirty-Eight Evil Views

Over the past year, we have reviewed all 128 “Evil and Erroneous Views” contained in the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation (SAUMOL). In publishing this index of the evil views and the related one on the erroneous views that I hope to have completed soon,  I went back and revised the titles to reflect the most recent translation of the SAUMOL, since some of you have heard this version when I provide classes on the preliminary translation of the text or you read a translation of the text at the temple. If there is time, I try and include at least the 38 “Evil Views” when I give introductory talks on the “Xiaman Most Excellent Oceanic Mind Essence.” Please click the particular view below to read the BLOG article on it. If the view is included in more than one article those articles will be linked to the one listed below.  All these BLOG articles now also contain the brief discourse H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha gave on the matter.

Evil Views:

  1:  Acknowledging that ghosts and gods are one’s liberation masters

  2:  Acknowledging that attaining supernormal powers is the purpose of attaining accomplishment

  3:  Acknowledging that one may violate the precepts of the three vehicles

  4:  Acknowledging that one may forsake bodhicitta in one’s cultivation

  5:  Acknowledging that one need not abide by all of the precepts one has received   

  6: Acknowledging that one may falsely claim to be a Buddha or Bodhisattva for the sake of spreading the dharma

  7: Acknowledging the eternalistic view that phenomena truly exist and are not illusory

  8: Acknowledging that emptiness exists separate and independent from the mundane

  9:  Acknowledging that you can attain liberation merely by practicing a dharma and without cultivating oneself 

10: Acknowledging that the dharmakaya is an entity with form

11:  Acknowledging that by relying on the power of a Buddha, one can do bad things yet be free of sin

12:  Acknowledging that cutting off self-attachment entails cutting off feelings for one’s parents

13: Acknowledging that doing good deeds alone fulfills the requisite condition to attain holy nirvana

14:  Acknowledging someone without greatly compassionate bodhicitta in their mindset or conduct as a Bodhisattva

15:  Acknowledging it is acceptable not to have a clear belief in cause and effect yet have a superstitious belief in fortune-telling and luck 

16:  Acknowledging verbal principles about emptiness yet deviating from true cultivation and consistent practice 

17:  Acknowledging that transmigration within the six realms is a legend that is untrue

18:  Acknowledging that famous lamas and famous monks are definitely people of great holiness and virtue

19: Acknowledging that personal interests are more important than the Buddha-dharma

20:  Acknowledging that it is not a sin to kill a living being so long as one chants the mantra to raise the consciousness of the deceased 

21:  Acknowledging that one may go against matters decided by one’s root master of holy realization and bodhicitta 

22:  Acknowledging it is acceptable for one to show reverence to the Buddhas and one’s master but not show filial respect and obedience toward one’s parents 

23:  Acknowledging position and status rather than the definitive truth of the dharma

24:  Acknowledging that living beings came from the devolvement of Buddhas

25:  Acknowledging it is acceptable to mix Buddha-dharma and non-Buddhist methods in one’s practice

26: Acknowledging that the law of cause and effect is illusory and unreal 

27:  Acknowledging that strange, heretically induced phenomena are manifestations of supernormal powers derived from Buddha-dharma

28: Acknowledging that a master who has learned a great dharma must be one of great holiness

29:  Acknowledging that one may put off cultivating oneself until tomorrow

30:  Acknowledging a master who speaks falsely and deceives living beings.

31:  Acknowledging that one who intentionally lies to one’s root master can experience beneficial effects from one’s practice 

32:  Acknowledging people for their supernormal powers even as their mind and conduct is devoid of bodhicitta

33:  Acknowledging as dharma teachers, rinpoches, and lay persons those who do not follow the precepts

34:  Acknowledging that helping an evil master do evil is a dharma-protecting practice

35: Acknowledging it is acceptable to rely upon a master who is mistaken and confused about and does not understand the Buddha-dharma rather than seeking a good master

36:  Acknowledging it is acceptable to perform acts of giving with conditions, calculation, and attachment 

37: Acknowledging it is acceptable not to repent openly for having mistakenly explained the teachings of the sutras

38:  Acknowledging as legitimate one who proclaims oneself to be a Buddha or Bodhisattva to one’s disciples.


CLICK for link to introduction to these evil views provided by the Office of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and the Buddha Master’s comments. Please note that the translation of the titles given here will differ slightly from what has been revised in this blog. Neither translation reflects official approved translations and should be used for reference only.

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Zhaxi Zhuoma

Thus Have I Seen (and Heard) on zhaxizhuoma.org is a blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma for English-speaking followers and those interested in the teachings and activities of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Read more about this blog


Most of the quotes from H.H Dorje Chang Buddha III posted on this blog are from unapproved translations and may contain errors. Likewise the contents of this blog have not been reviewed or approved by the Buddha and should be considered as reference material and not Buddha-dharma.


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