Recently, the World Buddhism Association Headquarters (WBAH) issued two public announcements on “The Correct Way of Holding Group Study Sessions (2020-06-15)” and “How to Correctly Study Imparting the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra (2020-06-14).” I have been patiently waiting for translations and finally complained enough that I was able to receive a preliminary translation, but with the caveat that I only had it for review and may not share, distribute, discuss, or use for any other purpose. I am sorry, as I do not know when we will see this on the WBAH website so that you may read them yourselves. What I will tell you, is that I believe what we are doing complies with these guidelines. In fact, I am very pleased that the way our efforts to adapt the Seven-Dharma System and using the two guidelines we do have at least preliminary translations of (“What Is Cultivation?” and “The 128 Evil and Erroneous Views”) are correct. I was very pleased with how well all of you who participated in our “Debates” last week followed that approach and I feel we can continue with what we have been doing and be in accord with these two announcements. When we have copies that you can all read, we should review them and see if there are any areas where we can improve our efforts to follow the correct Buddha-dharma and improve our practice and understanding.
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