A special class will be held on a recent announcement from the World Buddhism Association Headquarters next Sunday, June 20, 2020. I must first state that this is only a preliminary translation of this announcement and has not been approved by the Office of the Dorje Chang Buddha III or the Buddha Master. I was told I could post this as it contains important information on how you can determine the status of your dharma master and that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has NEVER recognized anyone as a Buddha. It also relates to an earlier discourse that has also not yet been translated into English in which questions were asked of the Buddha Master in English by Disciple Nan Wuqiang (Shakya). I know that some of you have received that discourse in Chinese (link below). I will also post the earlier discourse as soon as I am able to do so. This announcement also offers a brief description of the 18 types of dharmas that are used to distinguish between the holy and mundane and between true and evil through determination by selection. These dharmas can be performed to discern if another person is a holy one and, if yes, the level or stage of this holy person or to discern whether a sutra, vinaya, shastra, or Dharma has had deviations, errors, mistakes, or evil statements mixed into the true teachings, precepts, and Dharmas. Some of these 18 dharmas that I have witnessed or participated in are also described in more detail in my book Thus Have I seen: The Marvelous True Buddha Dharma and Its Power to Transform.
My reason for wanting to post this discourse is that I have been told that certain teachers are claiming to be Buddhas and telling their disciples that they have been recognized as such by His Holiness. They must know that this cannot be true and they should leave such corrupt masters.
CLICK for link to register for ZOOM class on Sunday, June 20, 2020.
World Buddhism Association Headquarters
(Announcement No. 20210101)
Preliminary translation
One Who Is not a Holy One Dares not to Perform the Eighteen Dharmas!
First of all, we at the World Buddhism Association Headquarters (WBAH) would like to take the opportunity of issuing this announcement to express our many thanks to Namo His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III for imparting the Dharma for the karmic condition of a disciple who is a descendant of Shakyamuni Buddha and the chairman of the department of Buddhism in a university. The Dharma imparted in this session enables Buddhists to wake up from their dream of hindrance and delusion. Like a flying stone clearing away mist in the sky, this Dharma impartation smashed completely the evil empty words of “a deluded human being can become a Buddha right after awakening.” We are extremely grateful to Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!
Exactly as Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said, at the time when the World-honored One was about to enter parinirvana, the Demon King Mara made a vow to send his demonic progeny into the Sangha. They would wear the cassocks and robes of monastics and become masters with evil nature. They would undermine the true Dharma of Buddhism. Therefore, in this planet Earth today, Buddhism is already in a chaotic situation with evil ones mixing into the ranks. Demonic persons are everywhere. They are so rampant to the extent of openly speaking against the teachings, precepts and Dharmas of Shakyamuni Buddha. Some of those who wear the hat of master or sit on a Dharma king dais, whether they are monastics or laypersons, are essentially self-claimed to be great Bodhisattvas or even directly fake Buddhas.
Actually, they are eminent monastics, masters, Dharma kings, and great virtuous ones by appearance, but their inner nature means they are ordinary persons with weak bodies. These people who fake holy ones even unblushingly speak big words to make up false stories and lies. They hold a recognition certificate recognizing them by ordinary persons to fake holy ones and deceive cultivators. They fake Buddhas and Bodhisattvas but have no expertise in the Five Vidyas. Yet, their morality and conduct are dirty. In addition to breaking precepts and muddling the teachings, all they do is faking holy ones to deceive living beings. Some monks and nuns are even doing the lewd and eye-sore acts of having bodily contact and singing songs together between male and female monastics. They even put such videos on the internet.
Those with such evil and demonic behaviors have infiltrated into the muddle-water-like ranks of current Buddhism. They delude novices and cause countless people to be fooled and deceived. These pitiable living beings mistakenly regarded evil masters as holy persons. Actually, Buddhas have already had eighteen types of great Dharmas to determine whether one is a Buddha, Bodhisattva, or Arhat. Once such a Dharma is applied, the person’s original form will be revealed. Even if an evil master is sitting high on the Dharma dais, talking about the lineage, in charge of the Dharma, appearing very knowledgeable to sutras and shastras, or speaking incessantly and eloquently, once a determination is conducted in accord with the Dharma, the nature of upright or evil will be manifested immediately. Why one who is not a holy one dares not perform the Eighteen Dharmas?Because an ordinary person who is not a holy one has no way to do so successfully and thus dares not try. Otherwise, the person will definitely be exposed to face embarrassment.
Buddhist disciples, you remember this very important point. To seek the truth, all of you must firmly remember these four points: 1) You must not believe in those who speak empty theories to explain sutras and shastras; 2) You must not rely solely on a master’s lineage or high status of patriarch; 3) You must not look only at a master’s worldly fame of being the holder of a Dharma tradition; 4) You must see the master’s performance in the examination by taking the holy test. Otherwise, those who follow such a master will very likely be fooled or defrauded with a probability of 80-90%, causing harm to one’s entire lifetime. Regardless of what title of heavenly king, land deity, Bodhisattva, venerable one, or Arhat a master has and what the status of his Buddhist identity is, as long as he can perform one of the Eighteen Dharmas to manifest the state to meet the standard of manifesting the state in accordance with the Dharma, this person is a genuine incarnation of Buddha or Bodhisattva with a 100% certainty. If he cannot perform even one of the Eighteen Dharmas successfully, this person is definitely a true ordinary person and fake holy one with undeserved fame, and may even be an evil fraudster!
These eighteen great Dharmas are: 1. Buddhas Bestow Nectar; 2. Presenting a Petition to a Bodhisattva; 3. Holy Fire Offering; 4. Uncovering Termo with Direct Verification; 5. Forecasting ahead of Time; 6. Establishing the Mandala through the Separation of a Stone; 7. Bodhi Holy Water; 8. Lifting Pestle onto the Platform; 9. Dharma of Determining Beneficial Increase or Regressing Loss on the Bodhi Path; 10. Vajra Battle Formation; 11. Large-scale Form of the Eight-winds Battle Formation; 12. Determination by Vajra Pole; 13. Asking for Truth from the Hanging Elms Bowl; 14. Manifesting Holiness through the Vajra Pill’s Skiing-like Movement; 15. Vajra Faman Determination by Selection; 16. Horsehead Vidyaraja Water Mandala Bead Divination; 17. Famen Gongyu; and 18. Determination by Selection with Dual Verification.
Among these 18 types of Dharmas for distinguishing between holy and mundane or between true and evil through determination by selection, each Dharma has a different Buddha, Bodhisattva, Vajra, or Dharma Protector as the Yidam and manifests different holy states. Specifically,
1. “Buddhas Bestow Nectar”: Watched by the entire congregation on the spot with their own eyes, a Tremendously Great Holy Guru with the status of Buddha or Bodhisattva with equal or marvelous enlightenment invokes Buddhas to arrive in person in the sky and bestow nectar into the originally empty elms bowl placed before the watching attendees;
2. “Presenting a Petition to a Bodhisattva”: Watched by the entire congregation on the spot with their own eyes, when the Dharma is performed by a Tremendously Great Holy Guru, a Bodhisattva will accept and take away the written Dharma petition placed in front of the attendees;
3. “Holy Fire Offering”: Watched by the entire congregation on the spot with their own eyes, the Tremendously Great Holy Guru or Bodhisattva performs the Dharma. The blue-colored Vajra Maternal Buddha will arrive in the sky, flipping, jumping, and dancing before the Buddhist disciples. Fire will be emitted from the point between Her eyebrows to ignite the mandala caldron placed before the congregation. Within a second, the fire’s temperature will reach 1000 degree Centigrade;
4. “Uncovering Termo with Direct Verification”: The Dharma assembly is watched by the entire congregation on the spot with their own eyes. Attendees participate in the process. For details, please see the news published in the April 2, 2019 edition of Asian News Journal entitled “Wangzha Shangzun Manifested Vajra Power by Lifting a 1,000-Jin Hall-Blocking Vajra Scepter at the Holy Miracles Temple”;
5. “Forecasting ahead of Time”: The Tremendously Great Holy Guru first forecasts how many (the actual number will be in the order of hundreds) nectar pills will be in his hand when He makes a grab and then grabs a handful of the pills. The congregation will count right away on the spot. The number will not be off by even one;
6. “Establishing the Mandala through the Separation of a Stone”: Watched by the entire congregation on the spot with their own eyes, the subject person who is a Tremendously Great Holy Guru or Great Holy Guru draws a mandala using colored sands on top of a stone. In a finger-snap, the mandala diagram on the stone will penetrate the stone and descend into the originally empty mandala plate below to construct the holy mandala;
7. “Bodhi Holy Water”: The holy water cultivated from the Dharma performed by a Tremendously Great Holy Guru or Great Holy Guru can penetrate any worldly container in the world and flows on the surface of the Dharma dais. The Tremendously Great Holy Guru or Great Holy Guru who is a Buddha or Bodhisattva can direct the direction of water flow with verbal instructions;
8. “Lifting Pestle onto the Platform”: The performance distinguishes whether one has the physique and physical strength of a holy person or an ordinary person. Everyone can take the test and the rules are equal to all. The grade level based on the weight lifted reveals one’s level within the range of holy beings or ordinary people;
9. “Dharma of Determining Beneficial Increase or Regressing Loss on the Bodhi Path”: See the Dharma imparted by Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III entitled Only This is the Truly Invincible Vajra Dharma That can Ensure Buddhists to Attain Accomplishment. If you have the highly advanced realization power to perform this Dharma successfully before the congregation of attendees, it is impossible to say you are not a Buddha or Bodhisattva. This master is definitely a Tremendously Great Holy Guru who is incarnation of Buddha or Bodhisattvas;
10. “Vajra Battle Formation”: This battle formation demonstrates unlimited magnificent power. WBAH has the live video recording of the Vajra Battle Formation;
11. “Large-scale Form of the Eight-winds Battle Formation”: When the power of the Battle Formation is in effect, the contestant taking the examination cannot step over a thin Varja rope placed on the ground to enter the formation. WBAH has the live video recording of the Large-scale Form of the Eight-winds Battle Formation;
12. “Determination by Vajra Pole”: Watched by the entire congregation on the spot with their own eyes, the Tremendously Great Holy Guru makes inquiry to a stick of peacock feather hanging in the air at a distance of between 10 to 20 meters. The answer will be determined and seen by the congregation;
13. “Asking for Truth from the Hanging Elms Bowl”: Witnessed in person by the attending congregation, the Varja who comes and goes without a trace will arrive at the mandala in person to knock the elms bowl to reveal the truth;
14. “Manifesting Holiness through the Vajra Pill’s Skiing-like Movement”: This Dharma is for inner-tantric initiation. The holy manifestation is not the trembling movement of Vajra pill that indicates the basic realization, and, rather, must be the Vajra pill’s holy manifestation of dancing a snow-mountain skiing dance that looks like doing aerobics on ice. The Vajra pill may even change its size or height and fly to rotate in the air without touching the containing bowl. The pill may even manifest a magnificent and wrathful Vajra appearance;
15. “Vajra Faman Determination by Selection”: Witnessed in person by the attending congregation, Vajra sand will spontaneously change to form a laurel representing any corresponding bhumi or stage on top of the head picture of the person receiving verification;
16. “Horsehead Vidyaraja Water Mandala Bead Divination”: A person is selected from the attending congregation through lot drawing who will place the Bodhi beads in the water. The state manifested next in front of the congregation is extremely precise and accurate, without any discrepancy. For details, please see WBAH’s public announcement No. 20200103;
17. “Famen Gongyu”: Witnessed in person by the attending congregation, the master leading the Dharma stands far away while the disciple asks the question before Gongyu. The Gongyu will inform the disciple with the answer;
18. “Determination by Selection with Dual Verification”: The is the dual performance of the Small-scale Form of the Eight-winds Battle Formation and the Divination by Invoking Manjushri Bodhisattva. Witnessed by all attendees, the candidates will take the examination one by one. The outcome is watched by all. The results are accurate for everyone without any discrepancy.
Among the above Eighteen Dharmas, some are Dharmas that only Buddhas and Bodhisattvas with equal enlightenment or marvelous enlightenment can perform successfully to manifest the holy states. There are also Dharmas that only great Mahasattvas can perform. Even the most basic Dharmas would require holy ones at the level of Arhat to perform. The only exception is Puji Vajra’s Dharma of “Lifting Pestle onto the Platform.” Anyone, whether holy or mundane, can enter the contest of lifting, but one’s nature is known from the grade level achieved. Although each Dharma has a different Yidam, every one of these 18 types of Dharmas can discern between true and false or upright and evil. We call such a Dharma a demon-reflecting mirror. That is not a mirror, but a type of great Dharma.
When the Dharmas are performed for usage, the requirement for Lifting Pestle onto the Platform is to lift the pestle up and hold it in the air for 8 seconds. For the other 17 kinds of Dharmas, we can ask someone who self-claims to be a great holy one to choose any one of the Dharmas and perform before the witnessing congregation. Then we will see on the spot whether this person is a true holy one or a fake holy one. Additionally, it should be stated clearly that the Dharma of “Buddhas Bestow Nectar” can only be performed by a Buddha or a Bodhisattva with equal enlightenment or marvelous enlightenment, to invoke Buddhas to arrive in the sky and bestow nectar into the elms bowl, and Bodhisattvas at the stages do not possess the realization power to perform this Dharma. There have already been very many people who personally participated in and experienced the 18 types of great Dharmas listed above. What they witnessed is extremely magnificent and better than words can praise.
Yesterday, May 14, a great Mahasattva at the level of Shengzun and the monastics of WBAH jointly held a Dharma Assembly of Determining Beneficial Increase or Regressing Loss on the Bodhi Path for a Buddhist disciple who has been very devoutly and sincerely making contributions to Buddhist work. While the congregation was watching on the spot, the Dharma was performed successfully by the joint effort. The experience could only be called an extremely magnificent world-astounding miracle. When the bell rang once, the rolling sound was stirring the universe, leaving a long-lasting vibrating tone. Under the watchful eyes of everyone observing at a close distance of 4 to 5 feet, the attendees suddenly saw three additional Bodhi pills emerging in the cup. The disciple receiving the empowerment can from now on take Bodhi pills every month to enhance benefits, to ensure attaining accomplishment.
The Shengzun presented one of the increased Bodhi pills as an offering to Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, for celebrating the birthday of His Holiness the Buddha. Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III praised Him and also said,
“You have now performed such holy Dharma successfully. This is truly remarkable. However, I hope that you and others will firmly abide by abstaining from everything that is evil and doing all that is good in conducting your three Karmas and benefit the masses selflessly.”
The Shengzun prostrated to His Holiness the Buddha and said, “Disciple I will receive and follow this teaching, and act in accord with the Dharma.”
Please note that, when performed as a verification test, the great Dharmas of types 1 to 8 are performed in person by the subject person to be proven and verified, to discern whether this person has the realization power to perform the Dharma successfully. Dharmas of the types 1 to 8 cannot be performed by another person or with help from others. The Dharma must be completed by the person to be proven and verified while the congregation is watching. However, the Dharmas of types 9 to 18 can be performed by either the person to be proven and verified to manifest one’s own holy realization or state of accomplishment or someone else who is the reincarnation of a great Bodhisattva on behalf of the subject person, to discern whether this person’s real nature is holy or mundane. For example, such a Dharma can be performed to discern if another person is a holy one and, if yes, the level or stage of this holy person or to discern whether a sutra, vinaya, shastra, or Dharma has had deviations, errors, mistakes, or evil statements mixed into the true teachings, precepts, and Dharmas.
For instances, there are different translations and different statements in the books of sutras. And what is said in one sutra may conflict with what is said in another sutra. These are all due to the tampering of the truth imparted by Shakyamuni Buddha done by the progeny of the Demon King. The Buddha had known long ago that demons and devils would have the method of tampering with sutras and scriptures. Therefore, the purpose of leaving the Eighteen Dharmas in the world is for discerning what is true and what is false, or which is genuine and which is evil. Without the Eighteen Dharmas to discern, it will be difficult to distinguish between genuine and evil and there will be no way to resolve the mutual conflicts between different sutras.
For example, it was said in some sutra about the World-honored Shakyamuni, “Since attaining Buddhahood, billions of innumerable eons have elapsed. From then on, I have often been in this saha world to impart the Dharma and edify living beings. I have also been to the other billions of innumerable worlds to guide and benefit living beings.” Yet, other books say that Shakyamuni Buddha “had lived for 10 lifetimes as a crown prince and had become Rishi of Tolerance after cultivating for many eons,” and then received the prophecy from Dipamkara Buddha and attained Buddhahood at the Mount Vulture Dharma Assembly. However, there is still another story saying that, while cultivating Himself, Prince Siddhartha did not know Himself whether He could attain Buddhahood. Therefore, He placed a bowl in the Nairanjana River, making a wish, “IF I can attain Buddhahood, this bowl will go upstream.” Then, the bowl did float upstream, forecasting that He would attain Buddhahood.
It is always stated in sutras that the myriad of phenomena is all due to causality. Yet, prophecies and forecasts made by the Buddha are also found in many places in sutra books, creating a theory of fatalism that contradicts the Dharma imparted by the Buddha Himself. In some cases, a mantra in the same sutra has even dozens of versions in different lengths of words and sentences… These are all damages done by the progeny of the Demon King following the Demon King’s instructions. Therefore, whether the nature of the subject is genuine or evil, the truth will be very clear from using one of the Eighteen Dharmas left by the Buddha to evaluate. The result will be so clear and explicit that is no way to hide or cover up
Moreover, one of the Eighteen Dharmas is the most convenient and expedient for distinguishing whether someone is holy or mundane. For any person and without any requirement, the method is direct and straightforward and takes only a few seconds to show the truth. This is the Dharma of “Lifting Pestle onto the Platform with Vajra Hook,” with Puji Vajra as the Yidam. Regardless of what kind of person one is, as long as he is willing to participate, anyone can lift the pestle to reveal right away which level in the holy or mundane range one’s physique is at. The result is like erecting a pole to see the shadow without any error. Surpassing one’s own based weight standard by 12 levels or more means one is a preliminary holy one. Anyone who does not surpass by 11 levels or more does not possess the ingredient of holy being and does not have a holy physique. This person is an ordinary person with a one-hundred-percent certainty. There are many titles and appellations regarding by how many levels one surpasses or is below one’s own base weight standard in terms of the weight of pestle lifted. For details, please see the Detailed Listing of Standard Pestle Weights for Healthy Physique Persons of Different Ages and Body Weights.
Note that female practitioners are not within the scope of performing Lifting Pestle onto the Platform. Any other of the Eighteen Dharmas can be used as decision by selection to determine the truth. For male practitioners, regardless of whether you are a kind and knowledgeable benefactor, eminent monastic, great virtuous one, great Dharma master, or even great patriarch of the generation or common Buddhist, all are treated equally in Lifting Pestle onto the Platform. All lift the same Vajra pestle. All are judged by the number of levels one surpasses one’s own base weight standard by. Once the pestle is lifted, it is known immediately whether the lifter of the pestle has a holy or mundane physique. There is nothing to take advantage of to possibly alter the outcome of true or false, mundane or holy one, or having empty theory only without realization power, and so on. The real fact is seen on the spot in several seconds. Therefore, false holy ones simply dare not lift the pestle.
However, male masters who have already experienced one of the Eighteen Dharmas to determine one’s nature and who also cultivate oneself with a humble mind to act in accordance with and propagate true Buddha Dharma without self-boasting or exaggeration are not required to take the test of Lifting Pestle onto the Platform. The same is true for those who have physical illness.
Moreover, Buddhist disciples must understand that if your master acts in accord with the teachings and discipline of Namo Shakyamuni Buddha and follow the Dharmas imparted by Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in cultivation and practice, then you should not disrespect or abandon your master. This is because you are learning from the teachings and Dharmas from the audio recorded Dharma discourses imparted by His Holiness the Buddha and rely on that as the guidance and standard for discerning the truth. Moreover, only the Tremendously Great Holy Gurus at WBAH have the realization power to hold holy Dharma transmissions for you. The role of your master is to help you enter the gate of true Buddha Dharma and walk correctly on the right path toward enlightenment. Therefore, it is not mandatary that masters must have high and profound realization power. Rather, you only need to see if that master is in accord with the teachings by His Holiness the Buddha. If yes, this is a qualified master whom disciples should respect and learn from.
Our Headquarters have continuously received a number of letters that mostly report incidents such as so-and-so faked a Buddha to defraud people, so-and-so falsely self-claimed to be a great Bodhisattva or a Bodhisattva with marvelous enlightenment to deceive the disciples, so-and-so Dharma master mingled with a Buddhist nun to do the acts of singing karaoke together while drinking alcoholic beverages and eating meat, and so on and so forth. Actually, such things are not uncommon at all, since Shakyamuni Buddha gave the prophecy long ago that our current era is the Dharma-ending age during which demons are strong and Dharma is weak. The situation we see now has verified exactly the forecast by the World-honored One. Therefore, demons and evil ones have infiltrated into Buddhism to create a disturbance to true Dharma. They undermine the pure rules and precepts to resist the teachings and Dharmas of Shakyamuni Buddha. Such incidents can be seen everywhere. There are even evil persons who openly claim that they have been recognized by Namo His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III as a Buddha or Bodhisattva. Yesterday, we respectfully asked H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III about that. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said,
“I am an extremely humbled person. How can I recognize others as holy gurus? From my childhood to now, I have not recognized any one as a Buddha or Bodhisattva. There are two reasons for that. First, I am an ordinary cultivator, and thus I have no ability to perform the Eighteen Dharmas. I did lift big pestles, but got injured in both waist and legs. Being so humbled, how can I have the qualification to recognize whether others are holy or mundane? Secondly, I am not a Tremendously Great Holy Guru, and have no authority to recognize any one as Buddha or Bodhisattva. I only know teaching people to cultivate oneself honestly in accordance with the Dharma through abstaining from everything that is evil and do all that is good. If anyone dares to unblushingly utter a whole set of arrogant words to self-claim a holy one and even claim to be holy lord, why doesn’t this person dare to perform one of the Eighteen Dharmas to prove to Buddhist disciples whether this person is holy or mundane? Without doing that, this person is faking a holy one!”
The Holy Gurus at the Headquarters realized that the words and deeds of His Holiness the Buddha make us feel extremely humbled and embarrassed. With such tremendously unsurpassable, impartial, and perfect enlightenment, His Holiness the Buddha does not have even the slightest manner of revealing holiness. Just by looking at the holy feats of Namo His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III in publicly demonstrating accomplishments that represent the acme of the Five Vidyas, creating the record of surpassing His own weight standard by 59 levels that far exceeds the level of Vajra Great Strength King when performing Lifting Pestle onto the Platform along with other contestants, and always selflessly benefiting others for their cultivation through learning from Buddha without accepting any offerings of money or other things, it is quite clear that there has never been another person from ancient time to the current era who can be a comparison. Those who self-claim to be a Dharma king, falsely claim to be a great Bodhisattva, or fake a great Dharma master do not even have the qualification to wipe the dusts off the shoes of His Holiness the Buddha.
Now it has been verified that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has never recognized anyone as a Buddha or Bodhisattva. Moreover, our Headquarters now provide the setting for “Lifting Pestle onto the Platform using the Vajra Hook.” The pestles range from the smallest “Youngster Pestle,” to the “Dharma Gate Pestle,” the “World Strongman Pestle,” and the “Buddha Pestle” that is used by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who are at the levels above a Vajra Great Strength King. All the pestles are for viewing by the public at the temple and available for lifting. We welcome kind practitioners from all walks to come and lift them.
If the master teaching you poses as a holy guru, you should observe him discreetly to see if he is self-boasting a high status and whether he dares to prove himself with the actual performance of Lifting Pestle onto the Platform or not. You may also ask those who self-claim to be a great Bodhisattva to come to our temple to lift the pestles. If he says he is unable to come for some reason, you should also check if he is willing to go to a local gym to lift dumbbells with one hand. You can then write to inform us the weight he lifted and his information. We will tell you whether his performance surpassed or was below his own weight standard and whether he is a holy guru or a mundane person. Then, you will get all the answers very clearly.
If one who self-claims to be a Buddha or Bodhisattva or even proclaims to be teaching others to become holy beings cannot even lift up the pestle lifted up in the air by Kaichu Jiaozun of our Headquarters who is 90 years old and weighs 180 pounds, then the claim he made is certainly implausible. Yet, he may not even be able to lift the “Dharma Gate Pestle” or the smallest “Youngster Pestle” away from the ground. Such a situation will prove he is not only not a holy guru but also, he has not entered the door of Buddha Dharma yet. That is, this person is not an entry-level practitioner yet and is definitely a false holy guru proclaiming a great status with the nature of mundane person. Can one who is not even able to lift up the “Youngster Pestle” deny his mundane physique and claim to be a holy guru? Can this person deny being a strengthless person and instead boasting a holy physique surpassing the ordinary?
Take note here. No matter how high a status one has, if he unblushingly speaks big words and self-claims to be a holy guru or Bodhisattva, you have to see if he dares to perform Lifting Pestle onto the Platform! Of course, this is for checking masters who falsely self-claim to be a holy guru but actually are ordinary persons. We tell Buddhist disciples clearly that you must remember not to believe the stories of holy gurus stepping footprints or pressing palmprints on a rock. These are deceptive tricks and simply reduce to insulting Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and holy gurus as stone carvers. You can think and know such claims are truly foolish ideas. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas possess abundant Five Vidyas. Can They only be like a stone carver and only have the trade skill of manipulating stones? Isn’t that ridiculous?
Additionally, you can look through the history from ancient time to now, there has never a feat of any holy guru stepping out footprints on a rock before many witnessing people. The so-called footprints or palmprints on the rocks you see were all secretly carved using steel tools by false holy gurus or their disciples ahead of time. Then they would use the created pieces as boasting propaganda and advertisement for faking holy gurus. Buddhists, you can simply take the action to verify the facts for yourself.
Our Headquarters can make a definitive assertion. Any so-called sect patriarch or holy guru who left footprints on a rock will not be able to lift up from the ground the pestle used by the 90-year-old Kaichu Jiaozun to surpass his own weight standard by 26 levels. This is because such a person is a false holy guru and true ordinary person without the realization power of surpassing ordinary persons. It is even less likely that he could have any possibility of surpassing elder Holy Guru Kaichu Jiaozun!
We remind Buddhists that, other than masters whose nature have been determined and proven through performing Dharma by Holy Gurus with their grade levels indicated on their robe, if any one who has not been verified by one of the Eighteen Dharmas, whether a famous figure or ordinary Buddhist, self-claims to be a holy guru, you should raise a question mark. Otherwise, in this Dharma-ending era, you may have already fooled or deceived. Then, you are not following a true holy guru to cultivate yourself through learning from Buddha. Rather, you would have gone astray and been deluded by an evil master or charlatan and will be harmed throughout your lifetime and be led in the direction toward the three lower reams!
CLICK for link to Chinese discourse given to Nan Wuqiang (Shakya).
World Buddhism Association Headquarters
May 15, 2021
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