A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra Retreat

Studying “Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra.”
Oryoki lunch during the retreat.

We spent Independence Day and the following week on retreat and by chanting, studying Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra, and enjoying oryoki meals at the Temple. There was time set aside for formal meditation, but most of the time was devoted to reading and discussing the Sutra.

We started the retreat with the Buddha Master’s discussion on what was meant by “Therefore, in emptiness there is no form, no feeling, conceptualization, volition, or consciousness; no eyes, ears, nose, tongue , body, or mind; no forms, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, or mental phenomena; no realm of eyes, up to and including no realm of mind consciousness; no advidya (ignorance) and also no ending of advidya, up to and including no old age and death and also no ending of old age and death;” giving us an excellent grounding in and understanding of the eighteen realms of cognition. This led us to the Buddha Master’s explanation of the “Twelve Links of Conditioned Origination” and their relation to the “Four Noble Truths” that were explained in the line of the Heart Sutra that says ”. . .No Suffering, No Accumulation, No Cessation, and No Path;”.

By Monday we were ready to learn the true meaning of the Sutra line “. . . No Wisdom, and also no attainment. With nothing to be attained, therefore. . .” We furthered our study of prajna and its relationship to “Qigong” and “The Five Vidyas,” as well the role and practice of repentance, great utilization, and bliss.

An antique statue of Avalokitesvara (Kuan Yin) Bodhisattva watched over the session.

Tuesday we started the part of the text that I had scheduled for our Labor Day Retreat, learning why “. . .The Bodhisattvas rely on Prajna Paramita, and thus their minds have no hindrance. Because there is no hindrance, they have no fear.” By Wednesday we were studying the Sutra line “Having forever left inverted dream-thinking, they dwell in ultimate nirvana.” This provided an understanding of just what dream-thinking meant and the different levels of nirvana. There was considerable effort placed in these sections on the differences in these teachings in the different vehicles of practice. We then spent our time on what it meant to be a Buddha and the perfection of a Buddha by reading and discussing “All Buddhas of the three times rely on Prajna Paramita and thereby attain Annutara-Samyak-Sambodhi.”

Retreat participants.

Thursday was devoted to the study of mantras and their meaning and purpose contained in the Sutra line Therefore, know that Prajna Paramita is the Great Supernormal Mantra, the Great Bright Mantra, The Supreme Mantra, The Unequaled Mantra, which can remove all suffering and is true, not false. So, recite the prajna paramita mantra, recite the mantra that says: Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha.”

We finished the text devoted to the actual sutra early and continued listening to the discourse given by the Buddha Master at the end of the sutra instructing us on how to realize prajna.

The Buddha Master reminds us that all of the 84,000 dharma methods that Shakyamuni imparted to this world could be put into two words: “Cause and Effect.” He further told us that solving the matter of cause and effect is nothing other than two more words, “cultivating yourself,” while realizing supernormal states and becoming a holy one is nothing other than again two more words: “practicing dharma.” These are the two concepts developed so wondrously in Learning from Buddha.

Someone who attended retreat brought his own housing.

In this discourse the Buddha Master tells about the preliminary practice dharmas we must lean and follow to solve this matter of causality and why the Buddha cannot save us Himself: “That is because learning from Buddha is a matter of the relationship between cause and effect. Only through your own efforts can you attain realization, attain awakening, and reach that destination.” We were also told the reason that prevents us from reaching the state of prajna that we seek and why holy ones are successful: “Holy ones do not ignore the law of cause and effect. Ordinary beings are tied up by the law of cause and effect.” This discourse is really a precursor to What Is Cultivation (WIC)?, explaining the importance of developing the mind determined to leave samsara, taking vows, and the other principles explained in WIC?.

Since we were able to finish the text of the sutra, we decided to try and do the entire sutra at a special retreat in August (CLICK for more information). Since we finshed the text that had been planned for future retreats, we will reschedule what we do at our future retreats to meet the needs of those who come. Please let me know when you are coming and what parts interest you. We will use the sections of the sutra based on a first come, first requested basis. CLICK for possible classes.)

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Most of the quotes from H.H Dorje Chang Buddha III posted on this blog are from unapproved translations and may contain errors. Likewise the contents of this blog have not been reviewed or approved by the Buddha and should be considered as reference material and not Buddha-dharma.


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